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You Have Ebola Questions, the CDC Has Answers

Jason Busch

On Monday, August 4, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hosted a special hour-long Twitter chat to answer questions about the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Followers of the CDC on Twitter (@CDCgov) were able to participate in the chat with CDC expert “disease detectives” using the hashtag #CDCchat and learn about what the CDC is doing in West Africa to help control the largest Ebola outbreak in history.

As many EMS providers are already well aware, there is no cure for Ebola at this time. However, any hospital in the U.S. can provide an appropriate level of care for persons with Ebola. Standard barrier precautions are in place in U.S. hospitals, which prevent onward transmission. In Africa, Ebola spreads because there is poor hospital infection control and burial rites often expose people to infected bodily fluids. According to the CDC, as of July 30, a total of 1,440 suspected and confirmed cases of Ebola and 826 deaths have been reported.

The entire chat was saved and is available via Storify at

Below are some of the key questions followers asked, and the answers straight from the CDC’s experts.

Ebola spreads only by contact to fluids, or just a mere contact with an infected person can get you infected?

Ebola is spread through direct contact with body fluids (blood, urine, feces, saliva, sweat and other secretions) of an infected person.

So it’s a bloodborne pathogen? Do you need to get stuck with a needle to get it?

Transmission is through direct contact with infectious bodily fluids. Needlesticks with infectious material can also transmit Ebola.

If someone with Ebola coughs blood or vomits, can those droplets infect those unprotected in a close range?

Yes. Droplet spread may be possible if a person is standing very close.

How long can the Ebola virus survive outside the body?

It varies a lot (temperature, humidity, pH, etc.), but Ebola can survive for one to two days outside the body.

How soon after infection do symptoms show and how long is one contagious?

Commonly 8–10 days, but rarely ranges 2–21 days. Patients are contagious while showing symptoms of the disease.

What are the early signs/symptoms that can prompt it to be Ebola? And what is the cause of death? Is it bleeding?

Ebola early symptoms: fever, diarrhea, vomiting. Later symptoms can include multi-organ failure leading to death.

What are the chances that Ebola Reston will mutate with Ebola Zaire or another virus, becoming airborne and infecting humans?

Reston is a very different virus—about 40% different at the genetic level. We don’t think it’s likely to mutate to infect humans.

How do you know when a patient has been “cured” of Ebola?

After 21 days without symptoms.

I’ve heard Ebola can remain in semen for over 10 weeks after recovery and exhibiting outward symptoms. Is this true?

We believe Ebola can remain in semen for up to three months. It’s important for men to use condoms during this period.

Is Ebola a virus like the flu, which goes away, a pox, which can reappear, or like HIV, which is forever?

Once a patient has recovered the Ebola virus is not retained in the body.

Does surviving Ebola infection confer immunity to Ebola?

Experimental data would indicate “yes” is the answer.

Have there been people who have survived this Ebola outbreak, and if so, how many?

Yes, mortality during this outbreak is 55–60%. Patients are surviving, in part, because they’re entering treatment early.

As an EMT, do I have to be concerned about exposure?

You are only at risk if you’ve had unprotected exposure to blood or other body fluids from an Ebola patient.

How are U.S. hospitals properly equipped to deal with Ebola threats?

Any U.S. hospital following the CDC’s infection control recommendations and isolating the patient in a private room can safely manage Ebola. Hospitals should isolate the patient in a private room and implement standard, contact and droplet precautions.

Is this new virus more contagious than the previous?

This Ebola virus isn’t new. It’s spread from the Congo basin. Outbreak properties look the same as in past outbreaks, just bigger.

Coming into flu season, how are we going to be able to differentiate the two? Our hospitals are going to be overflowed.

Ebola has very specific symptoms and would require contact with an infected person. U.S. healthcare providers should take travel histories of patients to identify who has traveled to West Africa in the past three weeks.

Just-published interim guidelines say droplet and contact precautions; why are pictures showing Tyvek suits and PAPRs?

Certain job responsibilities and tasks may require different PPE than what is used in hospitals.

The serum used on Dr. Brantly—is there a chance of future use on others, and is this perhaps a cure?

Yes, it could be used in the future as production of the serum is increased. Looks like it might be a useful therapy.

Does the CDC have plans if an outbreak occurs in America?

Absolutely. We’re in contact with numerous federal, state and local health agencies and hospitals.

What do you believe is the most important resource for hospitals and doctors when it comes to the Ebola outbreak?

Infection control guidelines can be found on the CDC’s website: