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Original Contribution


Robert Leopold, EMS and Trauma Systems Director
Ritu Sahni, MD, MPH, EMS Medical Director
Emergency Medical Services & Trauma Systems
Oregon Department of Human Services
800 N.E. Oregon St., #465
Portland, OR 97232
Fax 971/673-0555


EMT-Basic: Skills include: Perform primary and secondary examinations; take and record vital signs; basic airway maintenance, use of oxygen units, use of bag-mask ventilation devices, insertion of oropharyngeal, nasopharyngeal and dual-lumen airways, pharyngeal suctioning; care for soft-tissue injuries and suspected fractures; use of PASG; care for medical emergencies; obtain peripheral blood specimen for glucose-level monitoring; administer oral glucose, activated charcoal and subcutaneous epinephrine 1:1,000 for anaphylactic shock; emergency childbirth; CPR, AED/SAD defibrillation. Hours of training: 140. Certification requirements: Initial certification, complete approved course, make application, submit $70 fee, pass both written and practical examinations. Recertification requirements: 24 hours continuing education in specified subject areas every 2 years.

EMT-Intermediate: Skills include: All items listed in EMT-Basic, plus insertion of pharyngoesophageal airway devices, initiate peripheral IV (including intraosseous cannulation and heparin or saline locks) for fluid administration; administer naloxone HCl, D50W, atropine sulfate, morphine, lidocaine hydrochloride, epinephrine 1:10,000, and sublingual nitroglycerin in accordance with state EMT-Intermediate protocols. Manual defibrillation permitted with EMS-agency waiver and an additional 16+ hours of training. Hours of training: 76 lecture, 44 laboratory. Certification requirements: Initial certification, complete approved course, make application, submit $75 fee, pass both written and practical examinations. Recertification requirements: 36 hours continuing education in specified subject areas every 2 years; demonstrate proficiency of specific skills and procedures as evidenced by a signature of the medical director of the EMT-Intermediate.

EMT-Paramedic: Skills include: All skills at EMT-Intermediate level plus endotracheal intubation, needle cricothyrotomy, transtracheal jet insufflation, tracheal suctioning, defibrillation and synchronized cardioversion, transthoracic cardiac pacing, ECG monitoring and interpretation, administration of any medication or blood product authorized by supervising physician, insert nasogastric tubes, needle thoracocentesis, place femoral IV cannula, insert Foley catheter under certain circumstances. Hours of training: 1,000-1,200 hours of competency-based education and at least an associate's degree in applied science or higher from

an accredited institution of higher education. Certification requirements: Initial certification, complete approved course, make application, submit $200 fee, pass National Registry written and practical examinations. Recertification requirements: 48 hours continuing education in specified subject areas every 2 years. Must demonstrate proficiency as evidenced by the signature of the medical director.

Responsible certification agency: State of OR, DHS, EMS & Trauma Systems Program

Reciprocity: In accordance with regulations. EMT-Basic reciprocity requires a current National Registry card, current certification in another state and passing a background check. EMT-Intermediate level reciprocity requires current I-99 National Registry, current certification in another state and passing a background check. Paramedic reciprocity requires current National Registry certification, current certification in another state and passing a background check. Paramedics must have at least an associate's degree or higher from an accredited institution of higher education. A provisional certification can be obtained if an applicant is in the process of meeting the education requirement. Oregon now requires a fingerprinted background check for all EMTs coming into the state.

Salary ranges: N/A.

Number of licensed ambulance vehicles (public and private) in the state: 617.

Number of EMS personnel: currently state-certified EMT-Basic, 4200; currently state-certified EMT-Intermediate, 1,000; currently state-certified EMT-Paramedic, 2,800.

Number of EMS services: 137 licensed ambulance services.

Number of requests for EMS in the most recent available 12-month period: unknown

Statewide uniform ambulance reporting form: No statewide data system exists.

Description of statewide data-gathering system: The Oregon Trauma Registry collects data about causes of injury, emergency response and outcome of all trauma-system patients.

Special projects or programs operated by EMS office: EMS-C; mobile training unit program for rural and frontier areas of the state.

Federal/government funding: $100,000.

State funds allocated to run state EMS office: $750,000.

Important changes and developments within the last year: Work with the Office of Rural Health on accessibility in rural and frontier areas of the state. Study of emergency health care systems.

Outlook/changes for coming year: Revision of rules, budget challenges.

Job outlook/areas of greatest need: Paramedic providers in urban areas and rural providers.