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Original Contribution

Airway/Respiratory Showcase

January 2005

Transport Ventilator

The Airon Corporation’s pNeuton Transport Ventilator provides high-performance CPAP and adult/pediatric volume ventilation in one rugged device. Start the patient on Face Mask CPAP and move on to whatever level of respiratory support is needed. Pure pneumatic technology eliminates the need for batteries or AC plug-in. A choice of 100% or 65% oxygen delivery lets you extend transport times up to twice what you might expect, especially when using CPAP. For more information, call 888/448-1238, or visit

Airway Trainers

Nasco’s Life/form Airway Management Trainers simulate nonanesthetized patients for practicing intubation, ventilation and suction techniques. Their features include realistic anatomy and landmarks. Life/form trainers are available in adult, pediatric and infant sizes, and come with three-year warranties. For more information or to request a free healthcare educational materials catalog, call 800/558-9595, or visit

Airway Cam Vol. 4

Volume 4 of the Airway Cam video series, Secrets of Curved Blade Laryngoscopy, is the latest aid for teaching the essential and subtle aspects of intubation. More than 20 new curved-blade cases are presented; teaching points include methodical blade insertion and epiglottis identification, external laryngeal manipulation, recognizing posterior laryngeal landmarks, and straight-to-cuff stylet shaping. Vols. 1–3 are also available. For more information, call 610/341-9560, or visit

Disposable Resuscitator

The BAG Disposable Resuscitator, from Laerdal, embodies all of the quality of a reusable with the convenience of a disposable. Now the addition of a swivel elbow on the adult size provides the ability to optimally position the BAG for patient care and responder convenience. For more information, call 877/LAERDAL.

Multiple Oxygen Delivery

The FernO2 Multi-Manager, from Ferno, allows the delivery of oxygen to multiple patients in mass-casualty situations. The Multi-Manager has eight FCVs manifolded together, and mounts on a collapsible tripod. It can be connected in series with a second unit, increasing the number of patients that can be treated to 16. In addition, standard DISS humidifiers can be connected to each FCV. The Multi-Manager requires less space to store than comparable products, and can be collapsed down to 18" x 10" x 3". Call 800/733-3766.

Adult Trainer

Simulaids’ Adult Trainer provides a clear picture of the human anatomy, from its sculpted alveolar sac, bronchial tree and blood vessel structures of the exposed cross- sectioned lungs to the interior main bronchus and oral/nasal pharyngeal spaces. Its airway is complicated by breakout teeth, tongue edema and laryngospasm. The Economy Adult Trainer features endo- and nasotracheal intubation and use of emergency adjuncts like LMAs and Combitubes, securing and suctioning. For more information, call 800/431-4310, or visit

Advanced Portable Ventilator

Impact Instrumentation’s Model 754 Uni-Vent Eagle is among the most advanced portable ventilators available. Features include an internal air/oxygen mixer, internal compressor, internal PEEP, graphics, apnea backup ventilation, internal backup ventilator, complete alarms package and many other features in a package measuring 12" x 9" x 5" and weighing less than 13 lbs. Ventilator rates are selectable from 1–150 bpm, and inspiratory times are selectable from 0.1–3.0 seconds. For more information, call 800/969-0750.

Tube Insertion Aid

The Beck Airway Airflow Monitor-Tracheal Whistle, from Great Plains Ballistics, allows nasotracheal intubation even when blood, pus or other secretions that could obscure a fiberoptic endoscope are present in the airway. Inserting the endotracheal tube along the floor of the nose, directed across the midline toward the contralateral shoulder, takes advantage of midline anatomical structures and helps providers place the tube tip near the midline at the level of the larynx. For more information, call 806/795-2031.

Manual Ventilator

Instrumentation Industries, Inc. is an industry leader in the development, manufacture and sale of specialty medical products. The company’s Manual Jet Ventilator and Transtracheal Catheter may be the intervention of choice for patients with facial trauma, partial airway obstruction, upper airway bleeding or difficult airway access and management. For more information, call 800/633-8577, or visit

Oxygen Administrator

FernO2’s Micro Manager Oxygen Administrator delivers a preset constant flow of oxygen to multiple patients. The Micro Manager can be configured for use with either 2-, 4-, 6-, 10- or 15-lpm DISS barbed fittings, or a combination of fittings to meet specific emergency needs. Each Micro Manager can serve up to five patients. The unit may also be connected in sequence to additional Micro Managers, increasing the number of patients treated. For more information, call 800/733-3766, or visit

Oxygen Manifold

EMS*USA’s Oxygen Manifold allows for oxygen therapy for up to eight patients at once. Each patient may be treated independently with settings from 0–15 lpm. The oxygen supply connects to the manifold through portable tanks or on-board systems. The required high-pressure hose (not included) is available in custom lengths. Price is $525. For more information, call 800/264-2401, or visit

High-Performance Ventilator

VersaMed offers a unique ventilatory solution when performance, versatility and speed are desired. Designed on a cutting-edge platform, the iVent201 EMS ventilator delivers high clinical performance and enables seamless transition from noninvasive to invasive ventilation. Features include light weight, battery power and a color graphic user interface, making it easy to use throughout the spectrum of care. For more information, call 800/475-9239, or visit


As the innovator of the original CPR Microshield, MDI is now offering a complete line of CPR First Responder Kits. These kits allow rescuers to administer proper CPR using one of the finest barriers or masks available. Additional components increase the level of protection while enabling rescuers to efficiently dispose of all components. For more information, call 800/438-7634, or visit

Supplemental Oxygen

The Life Corporation’s Emergency Oxygen SoftPac is a lightweight portable AED companion that provides supplemental oxygen to a breathing victim before the onset of fibrillation; oxygen-enriched CPR to a non-breathing victim; or continued supplemental oxygen after successful defibrillation. It weighs only six pounds and features a constant-reading supply gauge visible through a clear window, as well as a shoulder strap and foam handle for easy carrying and a hook for wall mounting. Refillable without a prescription, the SoftPac provides a 40-minute supply of oxygen at 6-lpm fixed-flow, 6- and 12-lpm for 100% inspired oxygen, and 0–25-lpm variable flow for EMTs. Call 800/700-0202.

Mass-Casualty Oxygen

For mass-casualty response or when personnel need clean ventilation assistance due to smoke or chemical inhalation, Lifesaving Systems’ Mass Casualty O2 Manifold systems allow for rapid oxygen delivery to as many as 8–10 patients. The systems are configurable and can be built into a hard case or into other configurations. Users will be able to quickly set up the kind of flexible “turn-key” assistance they need. For more information, call 866/699-5283, or visit

Respiratory Distress Support

Distributed in the U.S. by Smiths Medical PM, Inc., the Wisconsin-based manufacturer of patient monitors, the Pneupac products provide emergency support for patients in respiratory distress. The Responder is a pressure-limited ventilator ideally suited for respiratory emergencies such as resuscitation, and ventilation during CPR?and transport. The Medic is a powerful, compact, portable and rugged gas-powered controlled ventilator. The Transport is similar to the Medic, and specifically designed for use by paramedics and other qualified persons for adult, child and infant ventilation. For more information, call 800/558-2345, or visit


