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Nevada legislation expedites medical licensing for out-of-state professionals

New legislation in Nevada will help expedite medical licensing for the health and medical services industry within the state.

The bill, which went into effect on July 1, allows medical professionals currently in good standings in other states to receive licensure for practicing in Nevada within 60 days. This is valid for all medical professionals, including nurses, social workers and therapists.

The law will assist the state with workforce development and recruitment efforts that will address healthcare shortage setbacks, said Health and Medical Services Industry Specialist for the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, Vance Farrow, in a press statement. The bill was approved upon the legislature recognizing the quality jobs that could be attracted to the state, he added.

The process that all medical licensing boards follow will be streamlined moving forward as a result of the bill, which will also ensure that the route to licensure happens in a limited amount of time.

The state’s biggest barrier for facility recruitment—timeliness to get physician licensure—has been eliminated by the bill, said Doug Geinzer, CEO of non-profit advocacy organization Las Vegas HEALS, also in a press statement.

The bill will also fill a critical need for patient access, added former executive director of the Nevada State Medical Association, Larry Matheis.


