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AstraZeneca launches `Take on Depression` through Facebook and Twitter

Wilmington, DE — AstraZeneca is launching a new campaign called "Take on Depression" through a "Take on Depression" Facebook page and a @FaceDepression Twitter feed to support, educate, and inspire those affected by bipolar depression and major depressive disorder (MDD), also known as depression.

The "Take on Depression" Facebook page will provide tools and resources to individuals who are struggling to manage their symptoms of bipolar depression and MDD. The @FaceDepression Twitter feed will provide articles, links to Web sites, tips, and community events that will help people learn more about their illness and have a more effective dialogue with their physician.

"AstraZeneca believes the best way to help those who are still struggling with bipolar depression and major depressive disorder is to provide them with resources and tools to help understand their illness and manage their symptoms," said Sandy Sommer, Executive Director and Commercial Brand Leader at AstraZeneca. "With the launch of these Facebook and Twitter pages, AstraZeneca hopes to amplify conversations about mental health and provide important health information in innovative ways."

Eighty percent of consumers have searched for health information online. Sixty percent of American adults who look online for health information, or one-third of adults, access social media related to health.

To "like" the "Take on Depression" Facebook page, visit

To become a follower of "FaceDepression" on Twitter, visit


