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Discovery Behavioral Health Acquires New Life in Maryland

Discovery Behavioral Health, a national mental health services provider based in Orange County, California, announced that it has acquired New Life Addiction Counseling & Mental Health Services, an outpatient treatment facility near Baltimore.

New Life provides adults with treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, as well as co-occurring mental health issues, including anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. The facility joins the portfolio of Discovery, which treats substance use, mental health and eating disorders, offering residential, partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient care for adults and teens.

“This area of the country continues to suffer the brunt of the nation's opioid epidemic," Joe Tinervin, president of Discovery Behavioral Health's Substance Use Division, said in a news release announcing the deal. “Too often, fatal overdose deaths are the result of a lack of available treatment. New Life Treatment Center, with its long history of effective treatment of drug and alcohol addiction, is committed to helping turn the tide in the region's worst health crisis.”


