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Spectrum Health Systems` annual meeting highlights national expansion

Worcester, MA — Spectrum Health Systems, Inc. held its annual meeting at the Beechwood Hotel in Worcester on October 5, 2010.

Worcester District Attorney (Middle District) Joseph Early Jr. was the meeting's featured speaker. District Attorney Early praised the collaboration between his office and Spectrum, particularly in regards to domestic violence prevention and Spectrum's Prevention of Abuse and Violence through Education (P.A.V.E.) program—a 40-week psycho-educational program designed for men who batter their partners.

"When we come together and work as a unit, that's when it really works," said District Attorney Early. "I'd much rather prevent a crime, than have to solve one," he added.

Governor Deval Patrick appeared at the meeting via a taped video message. "Congratulations to Spectrum Health Systems on 41 years of service to those suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues, and for all you do to make us a stronger Commonwealth," said Governor Patrick.

The meeting highlighted Spectrum's expansion in 2009 to eight states. With that growth, Spectrum serves more than 20,000 substance abuse and mental health treatment clients per year, employs over 1,000 people and operates 110 programs in those eight states.

Newly elected to the Spectrum Board of Trustees at the meeting was Richard Clayman. Mr. Clayman is an attorney and businessman residing in Revere, Massachusetts. He is the founder of the law firm of Clayman & Dodge with offices in Chelsea, Massachusetts, and is the co-founder of C.C. Real Estate Investments, Inc., which develops, owns and manages multi-family housing. Mr. Clayman served as an assistant district attorney for Suffolk County, where he prosecuted felony matters through the 1970s. He has also practiced as an attorney in the private sector in numerous areas, including the defense of high-profile criminal matters over the last 30 years.

Also at the meeting, Mark Bilotta, CEO of the Colleges of Worcester Consortium, was re-elected as chairperson of the Spectrum Board of Trustees, and Verilyn Mitchell, vice president for real estate planning and development at the MassDevelopment Finance Agency, was re-elected as vice chair. Re-elected as board secretary was the Rev. Susan Suchocki-Brown, and re-elected as the board's assistant secretary was David Felper, a partner at the law firm of Bowditch & Dewey.


