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Nursing Homes With More Long-term Residents More Open to Nonpharmacologic Intervention

Jolynn Tumolo

Nursing facilities with a higher proportion of long-term residents were more likely to implement a personalized music intervention for patients with dementia, according to a study of Medicaid-funded nursing homes in Virginia published in Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine.

“In short, there is a gap in the literature establishing the specific nursing facility characteristic(s) that lead to or limit the adoption of nonpharmacologic interventions, specifically a personalized music intervention,” researchers wrote. “This present study aims to bridge the gap by examining characteristics of nursing facilities that are associated with their staff’s willingness to implement a personalized music intervention for residents living with dementia.”

The study compared characteristics of 59 nursing facilities in Virginia that agreed to implement the Music & Memory program and 216 nursing facilities in the state that opted not to or showed no interest in the intervention. Music & Memory helps residents create and then listen to personalized playlists of favorite songs for 30 minutes twice or more a week.

According to the findings, facilities willing to participate in the nonpharmacologic intervention were more likely to have lower rehospitalization rates, Alzheimer disease or other special care units, a lower number of licensed practical nurse (LPN) hours per resident day, and higher occupancy compared with nonparticipating facilities.

“While this finding might appear counterintuitive, higher occupancy rates generally indicate that a facility has greater resources and higher quality of care,” researchers wrote.

Participating facilities also had a lower proportion of residents supported primarily by Medicare and lower successful discharge rates to the community, both of which suggest more long-term residents, researchers noted.

“The presence of an Alzheimer’s disease unit, lower LPN staffing, and higher bed occupancy rates suggest a busy work environment,” researchers wrote. “In such settings, a personalized music intervention might be perceived as a useful tool to adopt given its wide and effective use among people with dementia and its reported efficacy in improving residents’ mood and behaviors.”

Inoue M, Li MH, Layman S, Tompkins CJ, Ihara ES. Characteristics of nursing facilities and staff willingness to implement a non-pharmacological intervention. Gerontol Geriatr Med. Published online December 23, 2022. doi:10.1177/23337214221146410

