Volume 27, Issue 10, October 2019
ECRI Strategies
Effective postincident response is a critical element of an aging services organization’s resident and patient safety program and an important part of improving risk management, quality, and safety practices
Effective postincident response is a critical element of an aging services organization’s resident and patient safety program and an important part of improving risk management, quality, and safety practices
Effective postincident response...
Annals of Long-Term Care
APRNs are helping to mitigate the effects of the national physician shortage by serving as primary care providers (PCPs).
APRNs are helping to mitigate the effects of the national physician shortage by serving as primary care providers (PCPs).
APRNs are helping to mitigate...
Annals of Long-Term Care
AGS Viewpoint
American Geriatrics Society (AGS)
American Geriatrics Society (AGS)
In a report published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS), attendees at a conference for the NIA’s Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Specialists Transition into Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) program describe how increasing...
In a report published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS), attendees at a conference for the NIA’s Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Specialists Transition into Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) program describe how increasing...
In a report published in the...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Editor's Page
The articles in this issue focus on increasing provider knowledge of nursing facility residents with Parkinson disease (PD) and residents at high risk for severe hypoglycemia, with an emphasis on how nurses and nurse practitioners can...
The articles in this issue focus on increasing provider knowledge of nursing facility residents with Parkinson disease (PD) and residents at high risk for severe hypoglycemia, with an emphasis on how nurses and nurse practitioners can...
The articles in this issue focus...
Annals of Long-Term Care
To address hypoglycemia in long-term care (LTC), a quality improvement team of Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist students utilized the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, creating a glucagon protocol to treat hypoglycemia in LTC.
To address hypoglycemia in long-term care (LTC), a quality improvement team of Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist students utilized the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle, creating a glucagon protocol to treat hypoglycemia in LTC.
To address hypoglycemia in...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Practical Research
This retrospective database analysis evaluated the demographic, functional, and clinical characteristics of nursing facility residents (NFR) with Parkinson disease (PD) compared with those with PD psychosis.
This retrospective database analysis evaluated the demographic, functional, and clinical characteristics of nursing facility residents (NFR) with Parkinson disease (PD) compared with those with PD psychosis.
This retrospective database...
Annals of Long-Term Care