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Volume 22 - Issue 3 - March 2014 - ALTC

This tip sheet takes long-term care professionals through the process of examining and identifying problems in the oral cavity - no dental training required.
This tip sheet takes long-term care professionals through the process of examining and identifying problems in the oral cavity - no dental training required.
This tip sheet takes long-term...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Readers respond to our recent practical research report about using xylitol and MI paste for long-term care residents' dental hygiene.
Readers respond to our recent practical research report about using xylitol and MI paste for long-term care residents' dental hygiene.
Readers respond to our recent...
Annals of Long-Term Care


Editor's Page
Quality of life is an important consideration for all nursing home (NH) residents, whether they have just been admitted to an NH or are facing the end of life, as many patients attach more weight to quality of life than to longevity. Many...
Quality of life is an important consideration for all nursing home (NH) residents, whether they have just been admitted to an NH or are facing the end of life, as many patients attach more weight to quality of life than to longevity. Many...
Quality of life is an important...
Annals of Long-Term Care
AGS Viewpoint
In another important step toward safer, more appropriate healthcare for older adults, the AGS in partnership with the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation has identified five additional recommendations regarding tests, treatments,...
In another important step toward safer, more appropriate healthcare for older adults, the AGS in partnership with the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation has identified five additional recommendations regarding tests, treatments,...
In another important step toward...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Ask the Expert
Vaccination among older adults is key to preventing serious varicella zoster virus-related complications. 
Vaccination among older adults is key to preventing serious varicella zoster virus-related complications. 
Vaccination among older adults...
Annals of Long-Term Care


Case Report and Brief Review
Physicians and other healthcare professionals should routinely perform oral health assessments, including for patients wearing dentures.
Physicians and other healthcare professionals should routinely perform oral health assessments, including for patients wearing dentures.
Physicians and other healthcare...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Case Series
When individuals can no longer direct their care and have not completed an advance directive, a healthcare proxy speaks on his or her behalf.
When individuals can no longer direct their care and have not completed an advance directive, a healthcare proxy speaks on his or her behalf.
When individuals can no longer...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Practical Research
Personhood, shown through social interactions, implies recognition, respect, and trust, making it an essential factor in maintaining identity in late life.
Personhood, shown through social interactions, implies recognition, respect, and trust, making it an essential factor in maintaining identity in late life.
Personhood, shown through social...
Annals of Long-Term Care


Letters to the Editor
Readers respond to our recent practical research report about using xylitol and MI paste for long-term care residents' dental hygiene.
Readers respond to our recent practical research report about using xylitol and MI paste for long-term care residents' dental hygiene.
Readers respond to our recent...
Annals of Long-Term Care


Heart Failure Care in Nursing Homes PBA Often Goes Undiagnosed Function and Behavior Focused Care for Dementia in LTC Treating Chorea Associated with Huntington’s Disease Prescribing Considerations for Antithrombotic Prophylaxis
Heart Failure Care in Nursing Homes PBA Often Goes Undiagnosed Function and Behavior Focused Care for Dementia in LTC Treating Chorea Associated with Huntington’s Disease Prescribing Considerations for Antithrombotic Prophylaxis
Heart Failure Care in Nursing...
Annals of Long-Term Care