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Expanding and Improving Telehealth Offerings in SNFs

php logoPaul Knight, OT, MBA, founder and chief product officer, Curatess, explains how a clinician can deliver similar or better care remotely as in-person, particularly in the common scenario where the clinician must serve multiple SNFs, and provides tips for SNFs looking to improve and expand their telehealth offerings in order to support patient care.

About our speaker:

Paul Knight has 25 years of health care experience, originally as an Occupational Therapist, and quickly transitioning to health IT. It was clear that a care gap existed in the out of hospital care settings, so Paul founder Curatess and created the Open Telehealth Care Delivery Platform to evolve how healthcare is delivered in these care settings. His clinical background coupled with technology leadership and years of practical experience allows for ongoing innovation to advance healthcare and clinical outcomes.

