2008 Annual Author/ Subject Index
Author Index
Aronow WS. Q & A with the Expert on: Coronary Artery Disease. Management of an Older Person with Unrecognized Q-Wave Myocardial Infarction Detected by a Routine Electrocardiogram. 2008;16(6):20-21.
Bahr J, Lackner T, Pacala J. Amiodarone-Induced Central Nervous System Toxicity in the Frail Geriatric Patient: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. 2008;16(8):37-40.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. A Preview of the AGS 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting. 2008;16(3):12.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. AGS Urges Members to Heed IOM Report Warning and Advocate for Healthcare Reforms. 2008;16(6):16.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. “Attend” Popular Sessions at the Virtual AGS 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting. 2008;16(8):15-16.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. Contact Your Legislators to Support Policy to Ensure Quality Healthcare Programs for Older Americans. 2008;16(7):12-13.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. Educating LTC Residents About Geriatric Syndromes. 2008;16(9):8.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. Long-Term Care Pay-for-Performance Projects from CMS Raise Concerns. 2008;16(1):14.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. New Legislation to Boost the LTC Workforce. 2008;16(5):8.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. Stories from Real Life on the FHA Website. 2008;16(2):17-18.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. The Return of House Calls. 2008; 16(4):12.
Barondess LH. AGS Viewpoint. 2008 Presidential Candidates Propose Differing Plans for U.S. Healthcare System. 2008;16(10):10-12.
Bonner AF, Castle NG, Perera S, Handler SM. Patient Safety Culture: A Review of the Nursing Home Literature and Recommendations for Practice. 2008;16(3):18-22.
Chait MM. The New Era of C. difficile-Associated Diarrhea. 2008;16(7):25-31.
Clarfield AM. Ancient People in L’Ancien Regime. 2008;16(7):17-18.
Cohen HL, Curry LC, Jenkins D, Walker CA, Hogstel MO. Older Lesbians and Gay Men: Long-Term Care Issues. 2008;16(2):33-38.
Coll PP. Medical Malpractice and Long-Term Care: Part I: Litigation. 2008;16(4): 39-42.
Coll PP. Medical Malpractice and Long-Term Care: Part II: Risk Management. 2008;16(5):27-29.
Diduszyn J, Boigon M, Glew C, Hofmann MT. Osteonecrosis of the Mandible in a Nursing Home Resident Receiving Bisphosphonate Therapy. 2008;16(10):37-40.
Dupee RM. Acute Intestinal Ischemia in the Elderly. 2008;16(3):34-36.
Erickson R. Managed Medicare and Assisted Living: The Evercare Experience. 2008;16(9):33-34.
Feinsod FM, Wagner C. 10 Ethical Principles in Geriatrics and Long-Term Care. 2008;16(1):22.
Feinsod FM, Wagner C. The Ethical Principle of Justice: The Purveyor of Equality. 2008;16(1):23-24.
Felix HC. Obesity, Disability, and Nursing Home Admission. 2008;16(7):33-36.
Finestone AJ, Inderwies G. Quo Vadis ICU Hospitalization for End-of-Life Care? 2008;16(11):22-24.
Gavi S, Hensley J, Cervo F, Nicastri C, Fields S. Management of Feeding Tube Complications in the Long-Term Care Resident. 2008;16(4):28-32.
Gloth FM. The ABD’s of Long-Term Care: A Review of the Use of Some Vitamin Supplements in the LTC Setting. 2008;16(2):28-32.
Greenberg L. The Art of Dying: The Delicate Balance Between Curative and Palliative Care. 2008;16(10):25-26.
Haugh KH. Commentary on “Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care.” 2008;16(8):33-34.
Hendrix CC, Heflin MT, Twersky J, Knight C, Payne J, Bradford JY, Schmader KE. Post-Hospital Clinic for Older Patients and Their Family Caregivers. 2008;16(5):20-24.
Huh TJ, Areán PA, Bornfeld H, Elite-Marcandonatou A. The Effectiveness of an Environmental Behavioral Approach to Treating Behavior Problems in a Patient with Dementia with Lewy Bodies. 2008;16(11):17-21.
Justin R. Perspectives. What Went Wrong? 2008;16(5):25. Keenan JM. Meeting Report. Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society. 2008;16(1):18-20.
Keenan JM. Meeting Report. Annual Meeting of the American Thoracic Society. 2008;16(10):16-18.
Keenan JM. Meeting Report. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2008;16(9):15-16.
Keenan JM. Meeting Report. Experimental Biology 2008: Today’s Research, Tomorrow’s Health. 2008;16(7):14-16.
Kettl P. Inappropriate Sexual Behavior in Long-Term Care. 2008;16(12):29-35.
Kohen I. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in a Skilled Nursing Facility Resident. 2008;16(9):23-24.
Kolanowski AM, Buettner L, Fick DM, Fitzsimmons S, Cornacchione M. Instituting Cognitive Rehabilitation in Post-Acute Care. 2008;16(2):40-46.
Kraetschmer K. Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care. 2008;16(8):28-30.
Lester PE, Kohen I. Ephedrine Abuse in a Patient with Dementia. 2008;16(9):19-22.
Levy C. Letting Goals Be Your Guide: A Program to Make Advance Planning and Palliative Care a Priority in Nursing Homes. 2008;16(1):34-37.
Name Withheld. Letters to the Editor. When the System Fails an Elderly Patient. 2008;16(5):12-14.
Norman RA. Common Skin Conditions in Geriatric Dermatology. 2008;16(6):40-45.
Ortiz IE, Romero LJ. Cultural Implications for Assessment and Treatment of Depression in Hispanic Elderly Individuals. 2008;16(8):41-44.
Praisoody A. Letters to the Editor. The Ethical Principle of Justice. 2008;16(5):14.
Resnick B. Utilization of Pen Devices Can Improve Diabetes Treatment for LTC Residents. 2008;16(11):28-32.
Resnick B, Rapp MP, Bonner A. Commentary on “Medical Direction and the Future of Assisted Living.” 2008;16(3):32.
Retamero CI, Zisselman MH. Clozapine-Induced Hypothermia in an Elderly Female. 2008;16(10):21-24.
Richey RM. Letters to the Editor. Treatment Checklist for Advanced Heart Failure. 2008;16(1):17.
Ruscin JM. Pharmacotherapy Update. Newer Data on Older Medications. 2008;16(9):30-32.
Saffel D, Levenson S. Taking the Pain Out of Compliance with F-Tag 329: Meeting the Challenges Through Collaboration, Part I. 2008;16(10):29-34.
Saffel D, Levenson S. Taking the Pain Out of Compliance with F-Tag 329: Meeting the Challenges Through Collaboration, Part II. 2008;16(11):11-15.
Scholz BA, Holmes HM, Marcus DM. Use of Herbal Medications in Elderly Patients. 2008;16(12):24-28.
Skolnick AH, Feller ER, Nanda A. Evaluation of Acute Pancreatitis in the Older Patient. 2008;16(5):30-35.
Stefanacci RG. Medicare Update. Medicare Medication Management: Updating Issues With Parts A, B, C, and D. 2008;16(1):25-27.
Stefanacci RG. Medicare Update. What Is Medicare Going to Do to Survive? 2008;16(12):20-22.
Stefanacci RG. Medicare Update. Working Together to Assure the “Right” Medication for the “Right” Patient. 2008;16(6):36-38.
Stefanacci RG. Perspectives. Evidence-Based Treatment of Behavioral Problems in Patients with Dementia. 2008;16(4):33-35.
Stefanacci RG. Perspectives. The Latest Medicare Act’s Impact on Providers and Patients. 2008;16(9):35-38.
Tarnove L, Crecelius C. Letters to the Editor. Medical Direction and the Future of Assisted Living. 2008:16(9):9-10.
Van Cott AC, Pugh MJ. Epilepsy and the Elderly. 2008;16(1):28-32.
Vrtis MC. The Clostridium difficile Epidemic: A Potential Disaster for Long-Term Care. 2008:16(7):19-24.
Weizenbluth JS, Sokolowski M, Gordon M. The Power of Stories: Narrative Ethics in Long-Term Care. 2008;16(9):26-29.
White DE. Letters to the Editor. Confusion Assessment Method Timely in Disaster Emergencies. 2008;16(3):17.
Willging PR. Medical Direction and the Future of Assisted Living. 2008;16(3):29-31.
Yen-Patton GP. Are We Listening to Our Patients? 2008;16(6):29-30.
Subject Index
Advance Planning
Levy C. Letting Goals Be Your Guide: A Program to Make Advance Planning and Palliative Care a Priority in Nursing Homes. 2008;16(1):34-37.
AGS Viewpoint
Barondess LH. A Preview of the AGS 2008 Annual Scientific Meeting. 2008;16(3):12.
Barondess LH. AGS Urges Members to Heed IOM Report Warning and Advocate for Healthcare Reforms. 2008;16(6):16.
Barondess LH. Contact Your Legislators to Support Policy to Ensure Quality Healthcare Programs for Older Americans. 2008;16(7):12-13.
Barondess LH. Educating LTC Residents About Geriatric Syndromes. 2008;16(9):8.
Barondess LH. Long-Term Care Pay-for-Performance Projects from CMS Raise Concerns. 2008;16(1):14.
Barondess LH. New Legislation to Boost the LTC Workforce. 2008; 16(5):8.
Barondess LH. Stories from Real Life on the FHA Website. 2008;16(2):17-18.
Barondess LH. The Return of House Calls. 2008;16(4):12.
Barondess LH. 2008 Presidential Candidates Propose Differing Plans for U.S. Healthcare System. 2008;16(10):10-12.
Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Scholz BA, Holmes HM, Marcus DM. Use of Herbal Medications in Elderly Patients. 2008;16(12):24-28.
Assisted Living
Erickson R. Managed Medicare and Assisted Living: The Evercare Experience. 2008;16(9):33-34.
Resnick B, Rapp MP, Bonner A. Commentary on “Medical Direction and the Future of Assisted Living.” 2008;16(3):32.
Willging PR. Medical Direction and the Future of Assisted Living. 2008;16(3):29-31.
Bone Disease
Diduszyn J, Boigon M, Glew C, Hofmann MT. Osteonecrosis of the Mandible in a Nursing Home Resident Receiving Bisphosphonate Therapy. 2008;16(10):37-40.
Haugh KH. Commentary on “Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care.” 2008;16(8): 33-34.
Kraetschmer K. Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care. 2008;16(8):28-30.
Coronary Artery Disease
Aronow WS. Q & A with the Expert on: Coronary Artery Disease. Management of an Older Person with Unrecognized Q-Wave Myocardial Infarction Detected by a Routine Electrocardiogram. 2008;16(6):20-21.
Cultural Issues
Cohen HL, Curry LC, Jenkins D, Walker CA, Hogstel MO. Older Lesbians and Gay Men: Long-Term Care Issues. 2008;16(2):33-38.
Ortiz IE, Romero LJ. Cultural Implications for Assessment and Treatment of Depression in Hispanic Elderly Individuals. 2008;16(8):41-44.
Dermatological Disorders
Norman RA. Common Skin Conditions in Geriatric Dermatology. 2008;16(6):40-45.
Resnick B. Utilization of Pen Devices Can Improve Diabetes Treatment for LTC Residents. 2008;16(11):28-32.
Ethical/Legal Issues
Coll PP. Medical Malpractice and Long-Term Care: Part I: Litigation. 2008;16(4): 39-42.
Coll PP. Medical Malpractice and Long-Term Care: Part II: Risk Management. 2008;16(5):27-29.
Feinsod FM, Wagner C. 10 Ethical Principles in Geriatrics and Long-Term Care. 2008;16(1):22.
Feinsod FM, Wagner C. The Ethical Principle of Justice: The Purveyor of Equality. 2008;16(1):23-24.
Haugh KH. Commentary on “Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care.” 2008;16(8):33-34.
Kraetschmer K. Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care. 2008;16(8):28-30.
Weizenbluth JS, Sokolowski M, Gordon M. The Power of Stories: Narrative Ethics in Long-Term Care. 2008;16(9):26-29.
Saffel D, Levenson S. Taking the Pain Out of Compliance with F-Tag 329: Meeting the Challenges Through Collaboration, Part I. 2008;16(10):29-34.
Saffel D, Levenson S. Taking the Pain Out of Compliance with F-Tag 329: Meeting the Challenges Through Collaboration, Part II. 2008;16(11):11-15.
Gastroenterological/Gastrointestinal Disorders/Disease
Chait MM. The New Era of C. difficile-Associated Diarrhea. 2008;16(7):25-31.
Dupee RM. Acute Intestinal Ischemia in the Elderly. 2008;16(3):34-36.
Skolnick AH, Feller ER, Nanda A. Evaluation of Acute Pancreatitis in the Older Patient. 2008;16(5):30-35.
Vrtis MC. The Clostridium difficile Epidemic: A Potential Disaster for Long-Term Care. 2008:16(7):19-24.
Home Care Haugh KH. Commentary on “Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care.” 2008;16(8):33-34.
Hendrix CC, Heflin MT, Twersky J, Knight C, Payne J, Bradford JY, Schmader KE. Post-Hospital Clinic for Older Patients and Their Family Caregivers. 2008;16(5):20-24.
Kraetschmer K. Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care. 2008;16(8):28-30.
Letters to the Editor
Name Withheld. When the System Fails an Elderly Patient. 2008; 16(5):12-14.
Praisoody A. The Ethical Principle of Justice. 2008;16(5):14.
Richey RM. Treatment Checklist for Advanced Heart Failure. 2008; 16(1):17.
Tarnove L, Crecelius C. Medical Direction and the Future of Assisted Living. 2008:16(9):9-10.
White DE. Confusion Assessment Method Timely in Disaster Emergencies. 2008;16(3):17.
Medical Direction
Resnick B, Rapp MP, Bonner A. Commentary on “Medical Direction and the Future of Assisted Living.” 2008;16(3):32.
Willging PR. Medical Direction and the Future of Assisted Living. 2008;16(3):29-31.
Erickson R. Managed Medicare and Assisted Living: The Evercare Experience. 2008;16(9):33-34.
Stefanacci RG. Medicare Medication Management: Updating Issues With Parts A, B, C, and D. 2008;16(1):25-27.
Stefanacci RG. What Is Medicare Going to Do to Survive? 2008; 16(12):20-22.
Stefanacci RG. Working Together to Assure the “Right” Medication for the “Right” Patient. 16(6):36-38.
Medication Complications
Bahr J, Lackner T, Pacala J. Amiodarone-Induced Central Nervous System Toxicity in the Frail Geriatric Patient: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. 2008;16(8):37-40.
Diduszyn J, Boigon M, Glew C, Hofmann MT. Osteonecrosis of the Mandible in a Nursing Home Resident Receiving Bisphosphonate Therapy. 2008;16(10):37-40.
Kohen I. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in a Skilled Nursing Facility Resident. 2008;16(9):23-24.
Retamero CI, Zisselman MH. Clozapine-Induced Hypothermia in an Elderly Female. 2008;16(10):21-24.
Meeting Reports
Keenan JM. Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society. 2008;16(1):18-20.
Keenan JM. Annual Meeting of the American Thoracic Society. 2008; 16(10):16-18.
Keenan JM. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. 2008;16(9):15-16.
Keenan JM. Experimental Biology 2008: Today’s Research, Tomorrow’s Health. 2008:16(7):14-16.
Neurological Disorders/Disease
Haugh KH. Commentary on “Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care.” 2008;16(8):33-34.
Kohen I. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in a Skilled Nursing Facility Resident. 2008;16(9):23-24.
Kraetschmer K. Long-Term Care for the Stroke Patient in Family Home Care. 2008;16(8):28-30.
Van Cott AC, Pugh MJ. Epilepsy and the Elderly. 2008;16(1):28-32.
Huh TJ, Areán PA, Bornfeld H, Elite-Marcandonatou A. The Effectiveness of an Environmental Behavioral Approach to Treating Behavior Problems in a Patient with Dementia with Lewy Bodies. 2008;16(11):17-21.
Kolanowski AM, Buettner L, Fick DM, Fitzsimmons S, Cornacchione M. Instituting Cognitive Rehabilitation in Post-Acute Care. 2008;16(2):40-46.
Gavi S, Hensley J, Cervo F, Nicastri C, Fields S. Management of Feeding Tube Complications in the Long-Term Care Resident. 2008;16(4):28-32.
Gloth FM. The ABD’s of Long-Term Care: A Review of the Use of Some Vitamin Supplements in the LTC Setting. 2008;16(2):28-32.
Felix HC. Obesity, Disability, and Nursing Home Admission. 2008; 16(7):33-36.
Saffel D, Levenson S. Taking the Pain Out of Compliance with F-Tag 329: Meeting the Challenges Through Collaboration, Part I. 2008;16(10): 29-34.
Saffel D, Levenson S. Taking the Pain Out of Compliance with F-Tag 329: Meeting the Challenges Through Collaboration, Part II. 2008;16(11): 11-15.
Palliative Care
Levy C. Letting Goals Be Your Guide: A Program to Make Advance Planning and Palliative Care a Priority in Nursing Homes. 2008;16(1):34-37.
Patient Education
Odenheimer G. Dementia. 2008; 16(4):43-44.
Saliba D. Living with Diabetes. 2008;16(11):33-36.
Patient Safety
Bonner AF, Castle NG, Perera S, Handler SM. Patient Safety Culture: A Review of the Nursing Home Literature and Recommendations for Practice. 2008;16(3):18-22.
Clarfield AM. Ancient People in L’Ancien Regime. 2008;16(7):17-18.
Finestone AJ, Inderwies G. Quo Vadis ICU Hospitalization for End-of-Life Care? 2008;16(11):22-24.
Greenberg L. The Art of Dying: The Delicate Balance Between Curative and Palliative Care. 2008;16(10):25-26
Justin R. What Went Wrong? 2008;16(5):25.
Stefanacci RG. Evidence-Based Treat-ment of Behavioral Problems in Patients with Dementia. 2008;16(4):33-35.
Stefanacci RG. The Latest Medicare Act’s Impact on Providers and Patients. 2008;16(9):35-38.
Yen-Patton GP. Are We Listening to Our Patients? 2008;16(6):29-30.
Ruscin JM. Pharmacotherapy Update. Newer Data on Older Medications. 2008;16(9):30-32.
Sexual Behavior
Kettl P. Inappropriate Sexual Behavior in Long-Term Care. 2008;16(12):29-35.
Staff Education
Levy C. Letting Goals Be Your Guide: A Program to Make Advance Planning and Palliative Care a Priority in Nursing Homes. 2008;16(1):34-37.
Substance Abuse
Lester PE, Kohen I. Ephedrine Abuse in a Patient with Dementia. 2008;16(9):19-22.
Try This
Amella EJ. Assessing Nutrition in Older Adults. 2008;16(2):23-24.
Amella EJ, Lawrence JF. Eating and Feeding Issues in Older Adults with Dementia: Part I: Assessment. 2008; 16(3):15-16.
Amella EJ, Lawrence JF. Eating and Feeding Issues in Older Adults with Dementia: Part II: Interventions. 2008;16(4):21-22.
Chen CC-H. The Kayser-Jones Brief Oral Health Status Examination (BOHSE). 2008;16(10):13-14.
Fulmer T. Elder Mistreatment Assessment (English and Spanish versions). 2008;16(5):15-18.
Kurlowicz L, Greenberg SA. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) (English and Spanish versions). 2008;16(8):21-24.
Mitty EL. Decision Making and Dementia. 2008;16(11):25-26.
Molony S. Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults. Part I: 2002 Criteria Independent of Diagnoses and Conditions. 2008;16(6):25-26.
Molony S. Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults. Part II: 2002 Criteria Considering Diagnoses and Conditions. 2008;16(7):37-38.
Silverstein NM. Wandering in Hospitalized Older Adults. 2008; 16(12):17-18.
Sullivan MT. The Modified Caregiver Strain Index (CSI). 2008;16(9):17-18.
Waszynski CM. The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM). 2008;16(1):15-16.
Washington Update
Washington Update. 2008;16(2):20.
Washington Update. 2008;16(4):16-18.
Washington Update. 2008;16(6):17-18.
Washington Update. 2008;16(8):17-18.
Washington Update. 2008;16(12):15-16.