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All long-term care (LTC) institutional caregivers should seek to work closely with family caregivers/ advocates to further what should be a common dual mission: to provide the best possible care for each resident while making life easier for...
All long-term care (LTC) institutional caregivers should seek to work closely with family caregivers/ advocates to further what should be a common dual mission: to provide the best possible care for each resident while making life easier for...
All long-term care (LTC)...
Annals of Long-Term Care
At a recent meeting of physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses (RNs), and nursing home administrators, several providers commented about being called for slightly abnormal laboratory results.
At a recent meeting of physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses (RNs), and nursing home administrators, several providers commented about being called for slightly abnormal laboratory results.
At a recent meeting of...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Supervisors and directors need to establish their behavioral expectations and ensure that all staff are implementing policies, rules, and standards properly each day.
Supervisors and directors need to establish their behavioral expectations and ensure that all staff are implementing policies, rules, and standards properly each day.
Supervisors and directors need...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Dr Ilene Warner-Maron discusses a November 2017 ProPublica report that examined the trend in deficiency citations for long-term care facilities across the country and its conclusion that there exists significant geographical variability. 
Dr Ilene Warner-Maron discusses a November 2017 ProPublica report that examined the trend in deficiency citations for long-term care facilities across the country and its conclusion that there exists significant geographical variability. 
Dr Ilene Warner-Maron discusses...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Freddi Segal-Gidan, PA-C, PhD, discusses the challenges of talking about driving cessation with older adults with dementia, provides some practical strategies, and debates the ways the Department of Motor Vehicles classifies individuals with...
Freddi Segal-Gidan, PA-C, PhD, discusses the challenges of talking about driving cessation with older adults with dementia, provides some practical strategies, and debates the ways the Department of Motor Vehicles classifies individuals with...
Freddi Segal-Gidan, PA-C, PhD,...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Dr Allan S Vann shares his perspective on the reporting of Alzheimer disease and other dementias as underlying causes of death on patient death certificates.
Dr Allan S Vann shares his perspective on the reporting of Alzheimer disease and other dementias as underlying causes of death on patient death certificates.
Dr Allan S Vann shares his...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Dr Clements-Cortes describes the diverse students and professionals in her teaching courses who are excited to care for older adults and planning ahead.
Dr Clements-Cortes describes the diverse students and professionals in her teaching courses who are excited to care for older adults and planning ahead.
Dr Clements-Cortes describes the...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Dr Michael Gordon describes a clinically complex case of an older woman wherein physicians nearly gave up on proper medical investigation due to conditions and symptoms seemingly part of natural aging.   
Dr Michael Gordon describes a clinically complex case of an older woman wherein physicians nearly gave up on proper medical investigation due to conditions and symptoms seemingly part of natural aging.   
Dr Michael Gordon describes a...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Dr Gordon discusses situations wherein the biggest challenge to effective medical care for older adults is often "family strife."    
Dr Gordon discusses situations wherein the biggest challenge to effective medical care for older adults is often "family strife."    
Dr Gordon discusses situations...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Although the topic of organ donation is not the most appealing topic to bring up to patients or families of patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) and dementia, having this conversation is important nonetheless, especially as the number of...
Although the topic of organ donation is not the most appealing topic to bring up to patients or families of patients with Alzheimer disease (AD) and dementia, having this conversation is important nonetheless, especially as the number of...
Although the topic of organ...
Annals of Long-Term Care