Preview of the AGS 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting
With an estimated 70% of Americans aged 65 years and older expected to need long-term care services at least once in their lives, it is imperative to ensure that clinicians stay abreast of developments in such care. One of the ways the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) helps healthcare providers do so is by offering conferences, lectures, symposia, workshops, and special interest group meetings during the society’s Annual Scientific Meeting. This year’s meeting, at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin in Orlando, FL, starts May 14 with a pre-conference, followed by sessions scheduled from May 15 through 17. Here are brief summaries of programs focusing on long-term care. For more meeting details, visit the AGS website at
Long-Term Care Special Interest Group Meeting
Wednesday, May 14, 7:00-8:30 pm
Chaired by Lynn C. Chrismer, MD, this AGS Special Interest Group will focus on issues regarding the availability, delivery, quality, and regulation of long-term care in the United States. All members of the AGS’ long-term group are encouraged to attend, as are other society members who wish to join the group.
The Medical Director Role With a Facility Integrated Device Technology in Developing a Quality Assurance and Process Improvement Program
CME/CE Credit: 1.5
Thursday, May 15, 7:30-9:00 am
This program, which was developed by AMDA – Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine, and will be moderated by Karyn P. Leible, MD, CMD, uses Quality Assurance and Process Improvement (QAPI) as an expansion of the current quality assurance and assessment program required in all long-term care facilities. The presenters will discuss the five elements that CMS has described as being essential to the QAPI process. They will also provide examples of quality improvement projects that have been introduced into long-term care facilities.
Heart Failure in Long-Term Care: Time for a New Paradigm
CME/CE Credit: 1.5
Friday, May 16, 7:30-9:00 am
Moderated by Michael W. Rich, MD, FACC, AGSF, this symposium will provide attendees with an overview of available evidence regarding the management of heart failure in the long-term care setting. It will also highlight critical knowledge gaps in providing such care.
Conversing About Goals and Values – The Step Before Advance Directives
CME/CE Credit: 1.5
Saturday, May 17, 10:45 am-12:15 pm
Ken Brummel-Smith, MD, will lead this symposium, which will examine different ways of talking with patients about their goals and wishes during advance care planning discussions. Among other things, the session will describe how to use the Conversation Project’s toolkit to elicit patients’ goals and values.
Facilitators and Barriers to Enhancing Care Delivery in Nursing Homes: Lessons Learned From the Implementation of CMS-Innovation Center Funded Projects
CME/CE Credit: 1.5
Saturday, May 17, 10:45 am-12:15 pm
The CMS Innovation Center partnered with the agency’s Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office to launch and fund an initiative aimed at reducing avoidable hospitalizations of long-stay nursing home residents. In 2012, on the heels of that effort, seven projects incorporating innovative as well as multifaceted interventions to enhance nursing home care were funded. Leaders of these initiatives will discuss their experiences and provide practical strategies and insights.