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American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2015

ALTC Editors

January 2016

The American Heart Association’s (AHA) Scientific Sessions is the leading cardiovascular conference for basic, translational, clinical, and population science in the United States, attracting nearly 18,000 medical professionals and with a global presence from more than 100 countries. In addition, 1.5 million medical professionals participate virtually in lectures and discussions about basic, translational, clinical, and population science. 

AHA is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. Founded by six cardiologists in 1924, AHA now includes more than 22.5 million volunteers and supporters. They fund innovative research, fight for stronger public health policies, and provide critical tools and information to save and improve lives.

The 2015 AHA Scientific Sessions included 5 days of comprehensive, unparalleled education through more than 5,000 presentations, with 1,000 invited faculty, and 4,000 abstract presentations; all from the world’s leaders in cardiovascular disease. It also included more than 200 exhibitors showcasing the latest cardiovascular technology and resources.

Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure in Older Adults

Two studies presented at the AHA Scientific Sessions showed how biomarkers can be used to predict health outcomes in older adults with cardiovascular disease and heart failure.

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Assessments Help Predict Cardiovascular Health and Wellness

Presentations at the AHA 2015 conference investigated the efficacy of health metric tools and how healthy lifestyle practices impact older adults. 

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Optimizing Treatment to Reduce Mortality and Improve Clinical Outcomes

Researchers at the AHA 2015 meeting presented findings out how to improve clinical outcomes and reduce mortality in patients with stroke, atril fibrillation (AF), and class III antiarrhythmics.

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