At #AGS19, Long-Term Care Casts Widest Net Yet for Innovations Shaping Better Care for All
When today’s baby boomers were just starting their careers, smoking was still en vogue, American life expectancy still hovered in the 60s, and “Medicare” was a term yet to be coined. But the advances that have allowed baby boomers to live longer than any other generation took root in those early days, when “today” was still “tomorrow.” That same spirit now will shape care for future generations, as more than 2500 of the world’s leading long-term care experts converge in Portland, Oregon, May 2-4, for the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting (#AGS19).
Below are featured sessions that will be at the meeting. Be sure to visit for registration, the full program schedule, and everything else #AGS19.
A Dementia-Specific Advance Directive
(May 2; 8:15am-9:15am PT)
As cases of dementia continue to rise, so too do medical, legal, and ethical questions about care decisions for those impacted. This session will address dementia-specific advance directives, including laws related to patient rights and the ethical nuance of coordinating better care while also supporting personal rights.
Time’s Way Up! Addressing Pay Inequity and Discrimination for Women in Geriatrics
(May 2; 10:15am-11:15am PT)
Women have come a long way in the workplace, but
gender inequity persists across all professions—and geriatrics is no exception. This session will review the work of AGS members from the Public Policy Committee
and Women in Geriatrics Section to develop an AGS position statement on how we can achieve equity for women of all disciplines.
Henderson State-of-the-Art Lecture
(May 2; 4pm-5pm PT)
Laura Mosqueda, MD, AGSF, dean of the Keck School of Medicine of USC, will deliver this year’s prestigious Henderson State-of-the-Art Lecture. One of the country’s foremost experts on addressing and preventing elder abuse, Dr Mosqueda will examine geriatrics’ approach to elder abuse in clinical practice, research, and education.
Yoshikawa Award Lecture
(May 3; 9:30am-10:15am PT)
The Yoshikawa Lecture will recognize the research accomplishments of Amy Kind, MD, PhD, one of few physicians in the country with doctoral training in population health. Dr Kind will deliver a marquee presentation on the social determinants of health with an eye toward reorienting research, policy, and clinical practice to broader systemic factors that shape what it means to age.
Healthy Aging Through Healthy Nutrition
(May 3; 10:30am-11:30am PT)
There are many strategies to increase longevity and maintain health, safety, and independence, but having a healthy diet is one of the simplest and most effective strategies. In this session, health professionals will explore how food systems, clinical practice, and specific medical and social interventions have fostered healthy aging by addressing the importance of a healthy diet.
The Science and Clinical Care of Older Adults With Cognitive Impairments Paper Session
(May 3; 10:30am-11:30am PT)
In this session, researchers and clinicians will present peer-reviewed research on 3 “hot topics” shaping the future of mental health for older people: cognitive function, delirium, and dementia.
Older Adults With Serious Illnesses Paper Session
(May 3; 1:30pm-2:30pm PT)
As more people look forward to living longer, our health system must also innovate solutions to the serious illnesses we are likely to face as we age. In this paper session, presenters will review emerging concepts and new science for health concerns ranging from rehabilitation after prolonged hospitalization to age-related changes in our gut microbiome.
Advance Care Planning: More Than Just Box-Checking (May 4; 7:30am-8:30am PT)
Advanced care planning has a track record for improving patient and provider satisfaction with our health system. In this session, experts will discuss some of the barriers to having these conversations, as well as tools to help clinicians and older adults better prepare for identifying and describing future care decisions.