#AGS16: For Geriatrics, the Road to Progress in 2016 is Westward Bound
In 1865, the editor of the New York Tribune offered some words of wisdom: “Go west…and grow up with the country.” More than 150 years later, it seems the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) took those words to heart. This year will bring the AGS 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting (#AGS16)—the field’s premier educational forum for long-term care, research on aging, and innovative care delivery models—to Long Beach, CA (May 19-21; Preconference: May 18).
“With this year’s program, we’re looking more critically at synergies across different facets of geriatrics. The program not only examines recurrent themes that are impacting all older adults and health professionals but also highlights how the diverse array of professionals we represent can collaborate more closely to promote high-quality care,” notes Heather Whitson, MD, MHS, Program Chair. “As always, this meeting is a true connector linking our growing body of knowledge on geriatrics with our emerging understanding of how innovative approaches and smart health systems can better serve older adults.”
Visit www.AmericanGeriatrics.org for the program schedule-at-a-glance and detailed descriptions of the 100+ events comprising #AGS16, including those highlighted below.
Medication Targets and Evidence-Based Approaches to De-Prescribing in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment
Thurs., May 19, 1:00–2:30 p.m.
This session reviews current knowledge on de-prescribing medications with adverse cognitive effects. Participants will evaluate system-based and personalized interventions and identify opportunities for future research.
Breaking Down Poor Cardiovascular Outcomes in the Skilled Nursing Facility Setting: Understanding the Root Causes and Targets for Intervention
Fri., May 20, 7:30–9:00 a.m.
This program explores key factors linked to increased mortality and high hospital readmission rates for older adults with cardiovascular disease admitted to skilled nursing facilities. Participants will learn to recognize the distinct complexities of working with this unique group, with an eye toward improving outcomes and readmission rates.
The Impact of Infections on Transitions of Care
Fri., May 20, 1:00–2:30 p.m.
Developed in collaboration with AMDA—The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, this session helps geriatrics health care professionals improve transitions of care involving older adults with common infections. Participants will learn to describe how pneumonia, Clostridium difficile, colitis, and other common infections impact transitions of care from acute to long-term care and back to the community.
How to Operationalize Person-Centered Care: See the Person, Not the Patient
Fri., May 20, 4:30–6:00 p.m.
A standardized definition of person-centered care can provide a much needed, consistent point of reference for care, quality measures, research, and policy. With support from The SCAN Foundation, the AGS, and a research team at the University of Southern California worked with an expert panel to develop a definition of person-centered care. This session will present that definition, the research behind it, and ways to operationalize it.
Geriatrics Literature Update 2016
Sat., May 21, 9:15–10:45 a.m.
This popular session discusses the year’s top published papers, in areas where new strong evidence has been uncovered and will affect geriatrics practice, based on some 30 peer-reviewed articles published in 2015.
Use of Antihypertensive Medication and Falls: Past, Present, and Future
Sat., May 21, 11:00 am–12:30 p.m.
Deciding on the use of antihypertensive therapy is a common event for most health care professionals. Attendees at this session will leave with practical knowledge and tools to provide optimal and safe hypertension care.
Pharmacotherapy Update: 2016
Sat., May 21, 12:45–2:15 p.m.
This popular symposium summarizes changes over the past year in pharmacotherapy. Speakers will examine new information on current medications and newly approved medications. Attendees will learn to compare potential advantages and disadvantages of incorporating new medications into clinical practice and how to discuss with patients the benefits and risks of recently approved options.