The 2016 American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) Annual Meeting
The American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) is a national association representing and serving its members and the field of geriatric psychiatry. Founded in 1978, AAGP aims to foster the specialty of geriatric psychiatry and to promote the delivery of quality mental health care to the aging population.
AAGP promotes the mental health and well-being of older people through professional education, public advocacy, and support of career development for clinicians, educators, and researchers in geriatric psychiatry and mental health. The AAGP Annual Meeting is the premier educational program focused solely on late-life mental illness and provides the latest information on clinical care, research innovations, and models of care delivery.
The 2016 Annual Meeting, held March 17-20 in Washington, DC, was themed “New Perspectives on Brain Health and Aging.” Topics discussed at the Meeting highlighted the evolving science and practice of healthy aging, with presentations and discussions covering the basic and applied science and practice of promoting and sustaining brain health during the aging process. Presentation topics included understanding how physical and mental exercise alter the aging process, cognitive training, mindfulness training, and ways to integrate and train mental health professionals to be able to implement these research and clinical strategies in their practices.
Prevalence and Treatment of Mental Disorders in Long-Term Care
Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, presented a study they had conducted to examine the prevalence and treatment of depression, anxiety, and pain among newly admitted nursing home residents.
Nonpharmacologic Alternatives for Insomnia and Mental Illness in Older Adults
Presenters at the conference conducted a study in which they adapted commonly used CBT-I strategies to those with memory impairments.