2011 Annual Author and Subject Index
Author Index
Aggarwal L, Cervo F. Therapeutic Management of Late-Stage Parkinson’s Disease: Review of the Movement Disorder Society’s Guidelines. 2011;19(12):42-46.
Allen TJ. Letter to the Editor. Try This: Spirituality Assessment. 2011;19(9):13.
Bellia EG, Bellia DeGiorgio T. Angioedema Following Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Therapy. 2011;19(8):22-24.
Bellia EG, Vella A. Maneuvering With Difficulty Around Jagged Edges: A Unique Case of Mixed Dysphagia Causing Recurrent Aspiration Pneumonia. 2011;19(9):42-43,47-49.
Bernacki RE. Dyspnea and Mild Intermittent Cough in a Nonagenarian. 2011;19(11):29-30.
Bhargava A, Andrews C, Belforti R. Acute Pancreatitis From Gastrostomy Tube Migration in a Nursing Home Resident. 2011;19(3):25-27.
Bishop C, Chau D. What is our Ethical Duty to Malingerers? 2011;19(11):36-40.
Bogue BZ. Safe Resident Handling Programs: Benefits and Strategies to Strengthen Practice. 2011;19(7):26-27.
Carlson K. Letters to the Editor. If it Were You Who Were Dying. Response from: Melle-Green R. 2011;19(1):17.
Cefalu CA. The Medicare Hospice Benefit: A Changing Philosophy of Care? 2011;19(1):43-48.
Cefalu CA. Nursing Home Quality Measures: Do They Accurately Reflect Quality? 2011;19(9):33-36,39-40.
Ceronsky L, Weissman DE. Helping Families in Long-Term Care Facing Complex Decisions: Applying the Evidence about Family Meetings from Other Settings. 2011;19(2):27-32.
Champion A. Anorexia of Aging. 2011;19(10):18-24.
Edwards-Marshall M. Can Probiotics Prevent Antibiotic- or Clostridium difficile-Associated Diarrhea in Long-Term Care Residents? 2011;19(6):28-32.
Eliopoulos C. Advancing Long-Term Care Nursing. 2011;19(7):18-19.
Eliopoulos C. Instilling a Culture of Safety in Long-Term Care Settings. 2011;19(10):25-26.
Garrett JH. Healthcare-Associated Infections and Environmental Disinfection in Nursing Homes. 2011;19(10):30-33.
Gessert, Rubin TA. Letter to the Editor. Probiotics and Clostridium difficile Infection in Long-Term Care. 2011;19(9):12-13.
Gokula M, Rubeen S, Thotakura S. Does Amantadine Help Elderly Residents with Symptomless Dysphagia? 2011;19(5):37-40.
Gordon M. Assault as Treatment: Mythology of CPR in End-of-Life Dementia Care. 2011;19(5):31-32.
Gutkowski S. The Biggest Wound: Oral Health in Long-Term Care Residents. 2011;19(7):23-25.
Handler SM, Sharkey SS, Hudak S, Ouslander JG. Incorporating INTERACT II clinical decision support tools into nursing home health information technology. 2011;19(11):23-26.
Henderson MJ. AGS Spotlight. Why I’m a Member of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011;19(3):12.
Hilleary G, Ferrini R. Aqua WOW: Creating Healthy Choices at Medication Pass Times. 2011;19(7):33-36.
Kackman A, Corbett CF, Schumann L, Setter SM. Medication Reconciliation for Older Adults Transitioning from Long-Term Care to Home. 2011;19(8):25-29.
Keenan J. American Thoracic Society 2011 International Conference. 2011;19(7):39-42.
Keyes M. Commentary. When Less is More. 2011;19(2):44-45.
Kunik ME. AGS Viewpoint. Why I’m a Member of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011;19(1):11.
Kusz H, Smith SJ. Breast Cancer in an Elderly Woman With Alzheimer’s Disease. 2011;19(11):32-34.
Loguidice C. Wild on Wounds and AALTCN 2011 Conference Recap. 2011;19(10):37-41.
Malone M, Howell T, Hussain SW, Roche VML. Moving a Noncompliant Patient to Long-Term Care Against Her Wishes. 2011;19(4):35-40.
MacKenzie MA. Preparatory Grief in Frail Elderly Individuals. 2011;19(1):22-26.
McClintock SM, Staub B, Husain MM. The Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Neurocognitive Function in Elderly Adults. 2011;19(3):32-38.
Mittelberger J. Improving the Quality of Care in the Nursing Home: Regulation and Litigation. Response from Dupee RM. 2011;19(1):18-20.
Nguyen ML, Patel SB, Shapiro MA. Scheduled Low-Dose Risperidone for Agitation in Elderly Patients. 2011;19(2):40-43.
Papas E, Cluxton RJ. Vitamin D: Beneficial for Pain, Fracture, and Falls in Long-Term Care Residents? 2011; 19(5):33-36.
Pickens S, Halphen JM, Dyer CB. Elder Mistreatment in the Long-Term Care Setting. 2011;19(8):30-35.
Pires A, Mariz J, Esperança S, Rua A. Levofloxacin-Induced Acute Psychosis in an Elderly Man. 2011;19(1):37-39.
Poll PP. Medical Terms and Abbreviations Commonly Used in Long-Term Care Settings. 2011;19(3):20-24.
Port A, Barrett VW, Gurland BJ, Perez M, Riti F. Engaging Nursing Home Residents in Meaningful Activities. 2011;19(12):20-26.
Proietti R, Rognoni A, Maccio S, Corrado L, Rognoni G. Torsades de Pointes After Fluoroquinolone Therapy in an Elderly Patient with Comorbidities. 2011;19(2):35-39.
Roche VML, Arnouville J, Danto-Nocton E, Govea J, Howell T, Malone M. Optimal Management of an Older Patient With Multiple Comorbidities and a Complex Psychosocial History. 2011;19(5):34-41.
Samala RV, Galindo DJ, Ciocon JO. Transitioning Nursing Home Patients with Dementia to Hospice Care: Basics, Benefits, and Barriers. 2011;19(4):41-47.
Smith PW, Watkins K, Miller H, VanSchooneveld T. Antibiotic Stewardship Programs in Long-Term Care Facilities. 2011;19(4):20-25.
Snyder S, Baum E. Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia: A Curable Case of Failure to Thrive. 2011;19(12):34-38.
Stefanacci RG. Urgent Care in the Nursing Home: Aligning the Incentives. 2011;19(2):22-24.
Stefanacci RG. Improving the Care of “Dual Eligibles”—What’s Ahead. 2011;19(9):26-30.
Wagner LM, Fraser R, Huijbregts M, Sokoloff L, Chang E. Improving the Quality of Specimen Collection in Long-Term Care. 2011;19(12):28-32.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Digging Deeper. 2011;19(1):7.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Applying Clinical Experiences and Data from Other Settings. 2011;19(2):9.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Considering the Possibilities. 2011;19(3):8.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Transitioning Patients. 2011;19(4):8.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. End-of-Life Issues. 2011;19(5):8.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Good Bacteria, Bad Bacteria. 2011;19(6):9.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Small Changes, Big Impact. 2011;19(7):11.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Educating to Protect. 2011;19(8):11.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Medicare/Medicaid and Quality Care for the Elderly. 2011;19(9):11.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Environmental Considerations. 2011;19(10):9.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Avoiding Hospitalizations. 2011;19(11):9.
Warshaw G. Editor’s Page. Embracing Culture Change. 2011;19(12):9.
Subject Index
AALTCN Viewpoint
Eliopoulos C. Advancing Long-Term Care Nursing. 2011;19(7):18-19.
Eliopoulos C. Instilling a Culture of Safety in Long-Term Care Settings. 2011;19(10):25-26.
AGS Viewpoint
Henderson MJ. Why I’m a Member of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011;19(3):12.
Immunization Disparities in Long-Term Care Facilities. 2011;19(4):10.
Kunik ME. Why I’m a Member of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011;19(1):11.
Study Shows Late-Life Depression Increases Risk of Future Cognitive Impairment. 2011;19(2):10.
Study Shows Antidepressants Are Often Prescribed Inappropriately in Long-Term Care Facilities. 2011;19(8):12.
Psychotropic Medications and Falls Risk. 2011;19(6):10.
Should Late-Stage Dementia Patients Receive Feeding Tubes Near the End of Life? 2011;19(5):11.
Using Health Information Technology to Reduce Adverse Drug Events in Long-Term Care Facilities. 2011;19(7):12.
Avoiding Unnecessary Hospitalizations. 2011;19(9):14.
Understanding Subsyndromal Delirium: A Precursor to Delirium [published correction appears in 2011;19(12):46]. 2011;19(10):10.
Countering Incentives of Unnecessary Hospitalizations. 2011;19(11):13.
Preventing Decline in Older Adults Through Function-Focused Care. 2011;19(12):10.
Adverse Drug Events
Pires A, Mariz J, Esperança S, Rua A. Levofloxacin-Induced Acute Psychosis in an Elderly Man. 2011;19(1):37-39.
Bellia EG, Bellia DeGiorgio T. Angioedema Following Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Therapy. 2011;19(8):22-24.
Antibiotic Use
Smith PW, Watkins K, Miller H, VanSchooneveld T. Antibiotic Stewardship Programs in Long-Term Care Facilities. 2011;19(4):20-25.
MacKenzie MA. Preparatory Grief in Frail Elderly Individuals. 2011;19(1):22-26.
Kusz H, Smith SJ. Breast Cancer in an Elderly Woman With Alzheimer’s Disease. 2011;19(11):32-34.
Cardiovascular Disease
Proietti R, Rognoni A, Maccio S, Corrado L, Rognoni G. Torsades de Pointes After Fluoroquinolone Therapy in an Elderly Patient with Comorbidities. 2011;19(2):35-39.
Clinical Experience
Wagner LM, Fraser R, Huijbregts M, Sokoloff L, Chang E. Improving the Quality of Specimen Collection in Long-Term Care. 2011;19(12):28-32.
Keyes M. When Less is More. 2011;19(2):44-45.
Communication and Technology
Cefalu CA. Nursing Home Quality Measures: Do They Accurately Reflect Quality? 2011;19(9):33-36,39-40.
Ceronsky L, Weissman DE. Helping Families in Long-Term Care Facing Complex Decisions: Applying the Evidence About Family Meetings from Other Settings. 2011;19(2):27-32.
Handler SM, Sharkey SS, Hudak S, Ouslander JG. Incorporating INTERACT II clinical decision support tools into nursing home health information technology. 2011;19(11):23-26.
Poll PP. Medical Terms and Abbreviations Commonly Used in Long-Term Care Settings. 2011;19(3):20-24.
Digestive Tract and Gastrointestinal Disorders
Bhargava A, Andrews C, Belforti R. Acute Pancreatitis From Gastrostomy Tube Migration in a Nursing Home Resident. 2011;19(3):25-27.
Snyder S, Baum E. Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia: A Curable Case of Failure to Thrive. 2011;19(12):34-38.
McClintock SM, Staub B, Husain MM. The Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Neurocognitive Function in Elderly Adults. 2011;19(3):32-38.
Editor’s Page
Warshaw G. Digging Deeper. 2011;19(1):7.
Warshaw G. Applying Clinical Experiences and Data from Other Settings. 2011;19(2):9.
Warshaw G. Considering the Possibilities. 2011;19(3):8.
Warshaw G. Transitioning Patients. 2011;19(4):8.
Warshaw G. End-of-Life Issues. 2011;19(5):8.
Warshaw G. Good Bacteria, Bad Bacteria. 2011;19(6):9.
Warshaw G. Small Changes, Big Impact. 2011;19(7):11.
Warshaw G. Educating to Protect. 2011;19(8):11.
Warshaw G. Medicare/Medicaid and Quality Care for the Elderly. 2011;19(9):11.
Warshaw G. Environmental Considerations. 2011;19(10):9.
Warshaw G. Avoiding Hospitalizations. 2011;19(11):9.
Warshaw G. Embracing Culture Change. 2011;19(12):9.
Eating Disorders
Bellia EG, Vella A. Maneuvering With Difficulty Around Jagged Edges: A Unique Case of Mixed Dysphagia Causing Recurrent Aspiration Pneumonia. 2011;19(9):42-43,47-49.
Champion A. Anorexia of Aging. 2011;19(10):18-24.
Gokula M, Rubeen S, Thotakura S. Does Amantadine Help Elderly Residents with Symptomless Dysphagia? 2011;19(5):37-40.
Ethical Issues in Long-Term Care
Pickens S, Halphen JM, Dyer CB. Elder Mistreatment in the Long-Term Care Setting. 2011;19(8):30-35.
Bishop C, Chau D. What is our Ethical Duty to Malingerers? 2011;19(11):36-40.
Difficult Case
Roche VML, Arnouville J, Danto-Nocton E, Govea J, Howell T, Malone M. Optimal Management of an Older Patient With Multiple Comorbidities and a Complex Psychosocial History. 2011;19(5):34-41.
First Report Conference Coverage
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists 2010 Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 2011;19(1):12-14.
American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals 2010 Annual Scientific Meeting. 2011;19(2):33-34.
American Epilepsy Society 64th Annual Meeting. 2011;19(3):15.
4th Annual Medicaid Managed Care Summit. 2011;19(3):16.
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Annual Meeting 2011. 2011;19(4):14-15.
American Academy of Pain Management 27th Annual Meeting. 2011;19(4):16.
AMDA—Long Term Care Medicine 2011. 2011;19(5):12-13.
ACC.11:60th Annual Scientific Session & Expo. 2011;19(5):14-16.
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy 23rd Annual Meeting and Showcase. 2011;19(5):16.
American Geriatrics Society 2011 Annual Scientific Meeting. 2011;19(6):24-26.
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Spring Conference and Exhibition. 2011;19(7):14-15.
American Society of Hypertension 26th Annual Scientific Meeting and Exposition. 2011;19(7):15-16.
Digestive Disease Week. 2011;19(7):16-17.
American Diabetes Association 71st Scientific Sessions. 2011;19(8):15-16,18-19.
American Urological Association Annual Meeting. 2011;19(8):20.
National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in LTC 2011 Conference. 2011;19(9):15.
American Pain Society 30th Annual Meeting. 2011;19(9):16,18.
American Academy of Neurology 63rd Annual Meeting. 2011;19(9):19,23.
International Continence Society 41st Annual Meeting. 2011;19(10):15-17.
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2011 Annual Meeting. 2011;19(11):15-16.
American Academy of Family Physicians 2011 Scientific Assembly. 2011;19(11):17-18.
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2011. 2011;19(12):15-16.
2011 American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 2011;19(12):17-18.
Infectious Disease
Edwards-Marshall M. Can Probiotics Prevent Antibiotic- or Clostridium difficile-Associated Diarrhea in Long-Term Care Residents? 2011;19(6):28-32.
Letters to the Editor
Carlson K. If it Were You Who Were Dying. Response from: Melle-Green R. 2011;19(1):17.
Cefalu CA. Improved Vaccines for the Elderly Residing in LTC. 2011;19(5):20.
Neault M. Urgent Care in the Nursing Home. Response from Stefanacci R. 2011;19(5):20-21.
Rogers S; Old JL. The Medicare Hospice Benefit: A Changing Philosophy of Care? Response from Cefalu CA. 2011;19(5):21-22.
Gessert, Rubin TA. Probiotics and Clostridium difficile Infection in Long-Term Care. 2011;19(9):12-13.
Allen TJ. Try This: Spirituality Assessment. 2011;19(9):13.
Medicare Update
Stefanacci RG. Urgent Care in the Nursing Home: Aligning the Incentives. 2011;19(2):22-24.
Stefanacci RG. Improving the Care of ‘Dual Eligibles’—What’s Ahead. 2011;19(9):26-30.
Pettis J. Assessing Skin for Pressure Damage: Review of the Revised Section M of the MDS 3.0. 2011;19(10):28.
Meeting Report
Keenan J. American Thoracic Society 2011 International Conference. 2011;19(7):39-42.
Loguidice C. Wild on Wounds and AALTCN 2011 Conference Recap. 2011;19(10):37-41.
Neurodegenerative Disorders and Care
Aggarwal L, Cervo F. Therapeutic Management of Late-Stage Parkinson’s Disease: Review of the Movement Disorder Society’s Guidelines. 2011;19(12):42-46.
Gordon M. Assault as Treatment: Mythology of CPR in End-of-Life Dementia Care. 2011;19(5):31-32.
Nguyen ML, Patel SB, Shapiro MA. Scheduled Low-Dose Risperidone for Agitation in Elderly Patients. 2011;19(2):40-43.
Hilleary G, Ferrini R. Aqua WOW: Creating Healthy Choices at Medication Pass Times. 2011;19(7):33-36.
Papas E, Cluxton RJ. Vitamin D: Beneficial for Pain, Fracture, and Falls in Long-Term Care Residents? 2011; 19(5):33-36.
Photo Quiz
Bernacki RE. Dyspnea and Mild Intermittent Cough in a Nonagenarian. 2011;19(11):29-30.
Bogue BZ. Safe Resident Handling Programs: Benefits and Strategies to Strengthen Practice. 2011;19(7):26-27.
Gutkowski S. The Biggest Wound: Oral Health in Long-Term Care Residents. 2011;19(7):23-25.
Cefalu CA. The Medicare Hospice Benefit: A Changing Philosophy of Care? 2011;19(1):43-48.
Ferrini R. So You Want to be a Medical Director? 2011;19(6):43-44.
Garrett JH. Healthcare-Associated Infections and Environmental Disinfection in Nursing Homes. 2011;19(10):30-33.
Practical Research
Port A, Barrett VW, Gurland BJ, Perez M, Riti F. Engaging Nursing Home Residents in Meaningful Activities. 2011;19(12):20-26.
Transitional Care
Malone M, Howell T, Hussain SW, Roche VML. Moving a Noncompliant Patient to Long-Term Care Against Her Wishes. 2011;19(4):35-40.
Samala RV, Galindo DJ, Ciocon JO. Transitioning Nursing Home Patients with Dementia to Hospice Care: Basics, Benefits, and Barriers. 2011;19(4):41-47.
Kackman A, Corbett CF, Schumann L, Setter SM. Medication Reconciliation for Older Adults Transitioning from Long-Term Care to Home. 2011;19(8):25-29.
Try This
Assessing Pain in Older Adults with Dementia. 2011;19(5):23-24.
The Kayser-Jones Brief Oral Health Status Examination (BOHSE). 2011;19(5):13-14.
Assessment of Spirituality in Older Adults: FICA Spiritual History Tool. 2011;19(7):47.
Fulmer T. Elder Mistreatment Assessment. 2011;19(8):47.
Coke LA. Vascular Risk Assessment of the Older Cardiovascular Patient: The Ankle Brachial Index (ABI). 2011;19(8):55.
Coke LA. Cardiac Risk Assessment of the Older Cardiovascular Patient: The Framingham Global Risk Assessment Tools. 2011;19(10)55-56.
Tennant KF. Assessment of Fatigue in Older Adults: the FACIT Fatigue Scale (Version 4). 2011;19(11):51-52.
Washington Update
Washington Update. 2011;19(2):12-14.
Washington Update. 2011;19(4):11-12.
Washington Update. 2011;19(6):19-20, 23.
Washington Update. 2011;19(8):14.
Washington Update. 2011;19(10):13-14.
Washington Update. 2011;19(12):13-14.