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Confusion Assessment Method Timely in Disaster Emergencies

March 2008

To the Editor:

Your “Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)” instrument provides a timely, quick triage reference for healthcare personnel dealing with long-term care patients.1,2 Confusion among these patients really vexes emergency evacuation drills now practiced by some healthcare facilities. Sudden displacement from home and cherished possessions would be traumatizing enough for fire/disaster victims. More and more these days, even the American Red Cross calls out their disaster mental health specialists to assess the psychological condition of uprooted victims. Now caregivers and first responders have a quick triage tool to distinguish delirium onset from emotional trauma during these life-altering evacuations.

Chief Donald E. White, CHSP, CHCM, FF-III, EMT-B, HMFRO
Director of Safety and Security Northern Virginia Mental Health Institute
Falls Church, VA