The Utilization of Injectable Allograft for the Achievement Hidradenitis Remission
Hidradenitis supprativa (HS) is a complicated disease that crosses multiple disciplines in management. A hidradenitis clinic was created and the literature scoured to determine best practices. Management of disease has always included antibiotics (topical or oral), biologic medications, lifestyle management and excision with reconstruction.
After reviewing the etiology of the disease it was thought that if steroids can reduce the inflammation associated with this process, then utilization of an injectable amniotic tissue allograft can help place disease in remission. Clinic records for all HS patients treated since 2018 were searched to identify those that proceeded through the treatment strategies and landed in the arm that underwent injection of allograft.
This revealed a cohort that underwent single injections of allograft and those that utilized serial injections on variable intervals. In combining all of the techniques often discussed my clinic was able to get patients that had never had disease controlled achieve remission after utilizing the technique of laser intervention and allograft injections. With HS, this disease reflects the primary problem being a dysfunctional relationship between hair and glands, inflammation (from various factors) and problematic immune modulation.
This was alleviated using injectable allograft. The timing to recurrence was then evaluated and injections proceeded on a quarterly basis. The idea of altering how we manage HS and achieving remission with injections has given life back to those that have often suffered for decades. It has allowed patients to get their lives back;; from wearing certain clothes, to getting in a pool, to not having to keep tissues in their skin folds. Additional follow-up will be needed to truly demonstrate the greatest improvement, the psychological one. It remains to be confirmed that after optimizing the diseased area, satisfaction and remission can be achieved in the office with simple injections.