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Poster EBP-007

Implementing Patient Turning & Repositioning Device and Protocol to Increase Q2 Turn Effectiveness and Compliance

Lisa Wooldridge, RN, OMS, Wound Care Certified

Chin Liew, BSc(Hons) Biology, MD, MSc Management, MRCPI – Specialist Registrar obstetrics and gynaecology; Tim Styche, N/A – Market Access and Health Economics Manager, Smith and Nephew; Catherine Whittall, BsC (Hons), Ph.D – HEOR Manager, Smith and Nephew

Symposium on Advanced Wound Care Spring Spring 2022

Implementing Patient Turning & Repositioning Device and Protocol to Increase Q2 Turn Effectiveness and Compliance

Introduction: Due to recent increases in HAPIs and after identifying a lack of standardization across the System, a HAPI Prevention Team was formed. The team determined that turning compliance and turning effectiveness would be critical in the reduction of HAPIs. Two market facilities were selected to participate in a pilot turning campaign/quality improvement initiative.

Results of this pilot turning campaign would determine if roll out to all facilities within the system would be initiated, as a component of the larger HAPI quality improvement initiative

Methods: The campaign parameters followed the ‘plan, do, study, act’ format. The campaign ran for 90 days and involved the implementation of a new turning and transferring device. Educational tools focusing on turning, offloading and microclimate were created in tandem with real-time training and printed flyers. Staff feedback was documented in order to optimize the systemwide rollout and monthly scorecards were completed based on the effectiveness of all of the new tools.

Results: Following the 3 month Turning Pilot Campaign an audit of the program identified an increase in staff turning compliance by 95% with a 100% effective turn rate. Sacral offloading was 100% with zero sacral HAPIs recorded during the trial period. There were no reported back injuries to staff and an unexpected outcome was a reduction in friction and moisture-related injuries. Staff satisfaction scores rose considerably at each of the pilot facilities DiscussionInitiating the new turning and repositioning device along with educational materials helped achieve the goal of lowering the HAPI rate.

Successful results of the Turning Campaign resulted in the creation of the ‘Standard of Care’ for the participating health care markets. This was a vital component in completing the SSKIN Protocol within the newly developed HAPI Toolkit.


