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percutaneous repair

Original Contribution

Julia Seeger, MD;  Patrick M√ºller;  Birgid Gonska, MD;  Dominik Scharnbeck, MD;  Sinisa Markovic, MD;  Daniel Walcher, MD;  Wolfgang Rottbauer, MD;  Jochen W√∂hrle, MD

Julia Seeger, MD;  Patrick M√ºller;  ...
This study compares early device success, procedural success, and 30-day safety endpoint according to the new Mitral Valve Academic Research Consortium criteria (MVARC) in severe primary and secondary mitral regurgitation (MR) patients.
This study compares early device success, procedural success, and 30-day safety endpoint according to the new Mitral Valve Academic Research Consortium criteria (MVARC) in severe primary and secondary mitral regurgitation (MR) patients.
This study compares early device...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Zachary L. Steinberg, MD1,2;  Creighton W. Don, MD1,2;  Jack C.J. Sun, MD, MSc3;  Edward A. Gill Jr, MD1,2;  Steven L. Goldberg, MD1,2

Zachary L. Steinberg, MD1,2;  Creight...
We report our experience with percutaneous intervention for the treatment of aortic pseudoaneurysms.
We report our experience with percutaneous intervention for the treatment of aortic pseudoaneurysms.
We report our experience with...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology