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femoral access

Case Report
This case demonstrates the steps of sealing a flow limiting, iatrogenic CFA dissection during primary percutaneous coronary intervention, including a novel balloon angioplasty technique.
This case demonstrates the steps of sealing a flow limiting, iatrogenic CFA dissection during primary percutaneous coronary intervention, including a novel balloon angioplasty technique.
This case demonstrates the steps...
Vascular Disease Management
This study assesses the safety and efficacy of arteriotomy closure with the intravascular FemoSeal vascular closure device compared to manual compression in patients undergoing diagnostic cardiac catheterization via the common femoral...
This study assesses the safety and efficacy of arteriotomy closure with the intravascular FemoSeal vascular closure device compared to manual compression in patients undergoing diagnostic cardiac catheterization via the common femoral...
This study assesses the safety...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
To determine the feasibility and safety of full arm-arm catheterization access, we aimed to compare this approach with other established catheterization approaches.
To determine the feasibility and safety of full arm-arm catheterization access, we aimed to compare this approach with other established catheterization approaches.
To determine the feasibility and...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
We sought to describe current knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding ultrasound use among interventional cardiologists using an online survey.
We sought to describe current knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding ultrasound use among interventional cardiologists using an online survey.
We sought to describe current...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology