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Stefanie Schupke, MD

This study assesses the safety and efficacy of arteriotomy closure with the intravascular FemoSeal vascular closure device compared to manual compression in patients undergoing diagnostic cardiac catheterization via the common femoral...
This study assesses the safety and efficacy of arteriotomy closure with the intravascular FemoSeal vascular closure device compared to manual compression in patients undergoing diagnostic cardiac catheterization via the common femoral...
This study assesses the safety...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
The study objective is to compare vascular closure devices with manual compression in patients on chronic oral anticoagulation who undergo diagnostic coronary angiography in terms of vascular access-site complications.
The study objective is to compare vascular closure devices with manual compression in patients on chronic oral anticoagulation who undergo diagnostic coronary angiography in terms of vascular access-site complications.
The study objective is to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology