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Remote monitoring

The objective of this evaluation was to determine whether RTM reduced 90-day costs in patients undergoing NPWT.
Novel embedded technologies have created the ability for devices to monitor their own function, record arrhythmias and other physiological parameters, and to communicate this information to healthcare providers without active participation of...
Novel embedded technologies have created the ability for devices to monitor their own function, record arrhythmias and other physiological parameters, and to communicate this information to healthcare providers without active participation of...
Novel embedded technologies have...
EP Lab Digest
EP Tips & Techniques
As we move towards an era of personalized medicine, we should be questioning whether the way we practice today makes sense and continually ask ourselves how we can leverage the advances in remote monitoring within our own field to better care...
As we move towards an era of personalized medicine, we should be questioning whether the way we practice today makes sense and continually ask ourselves how we can leverage the advances in remote monitoring within our own field to better care...
As we move towards an era of...
EP Lab Digest
Cover Story
Remote monitoring represents a massive paradigm shift in the way we care for our patients.
Remote monitoring represents a massive paradigm shift in the way we care for our patients.
Remote monitoring represents a...
EP Lab Digest
Case Study
A confluence of new trends is directly impacting cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) therapy in the U.S. Expanding device indications, shifts in population demographics (the graying of America), and new technological innovations have...
A confluence of new trends is directly impacting cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) therapy in the U.S. Expanding device indications, shifts in population demographics (the graying of America), and new technological innovations have...
A confluence of new trends is...
EP Lab Digest
Clinicians have a responsibility to navigate the information overload and medical legal implications, and to create workflows that maximize efficiency while improving patient care.
Clinicians have a responsibility to navigate the information overload and medical legal implications, and to create workflows that maximize efficiency while improving patient care.
Clinicians have a responsibility...
EP Lab Digest
Cover Story
It is anticipated that based on the success of this program in the ER, the program will be expanded to the critical care areas and anesthesia services.
It is anticipated that based on the success of this program in the ER, the program will be expanded to the critical care areas and anesthesia services.
It is anticipated that based on...
EP Lab Digest
Case Report
This case highlights the potential applications of a novel, miniaturized, subcutaneous injectable loop recorder for the diagnosis and treatment of syncope of unknown etiology, potentially helping with a previously undiagnosed neurological...
This case highlights the potential applications of a novel, miniaturized, subcutaneous injectable loop recorder for the diagnosis and treatment of syncope of unknown etiology, potentially helping with a previously undiagnosed neurological...
This case highlights the...
EP Lab Digest