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Niraj Varma, MD, PhD

Novel embedded technologies have created the ability for devices to monitor their own function, record arrhythmias and other physiological parameters, and to communicate this information to healthcare providers without active participation of...
Novel embedded technologies have created the ability for devices to monitor their own function, record arrhythmias and other physiological parameters, and to communicate this information to healthcare providers without active participation of...
Novel embedded technologies have...
EP Lab Digest
Niraj Varma, MD, PhD
HRS 2023
Niraj Varma, MD, PhD, discusses his session at Heart Rhythm 2023, which took place May 19-21, 2023.
Niraj Varma, MD, PhD, discusses his session at Heart Rhythm 2023, which took place May 19-21, 2023.
Niraj Varma, MD, PhD, discusses...
EP Lab Digest