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Cardiology Images
Multi-modality imaging is essential for successful treatment of many cardiac diseases, including severe mitral regurgitation (MR). The following four clinical images demonstrate mitral valve insufficiency treatment support. 
Multi-modality imaging is essential for successful treatment of many cardiac diseases, including severe mitral regurgitation (MR). The following four clinical images demonstrate mitral valve insufficiency treatment support. 
Multi-modality imaging is...
Cath Lab Digest
Meeting Update

Kalahari Water Park and Resort, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin


Kalahari Water Park and Resort, Wisco...
Attendees were educated on topics including managing heart failure, leadless pacemakers, and fluoroless electrophysiology (EP) procedures.  
Attendees were educated on topics including managing heart failure, leadless pacemakers, and fluoroless electrophysiology (EP) procedures.  
Attendees were educated on...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Study
In a tortuous artery, the guide wire at times does not conform to the curves in the artery.   
In a tortuous artery, the guide wire at times does not conform to the curves in the artery.   
In a tortuous artery, the guide...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Study
In a tortuous artery, the guide wire at times does not conform to the curves in the artery.   
In a tortuous artery, the guide wire at times does not conform to the curves in the artery.   
In a tortuous artery, the guide...
Cath Lab Digest
In the Lab

A collection of images courtesy of St. Elizabeth Health System, Kentucky.

A collection of images courtesy of St...
A collection of coronary images courtesy of St. Elizabeth Health System, Kentucky.
A collection of coronary images courtesy of St. Elizabeth Health System, Kentucky.
A collection of coronary images...
Cath Lab Digest