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Diagnostic coronary angiography is simple, but not without complications, and may end up a nightmare.
Diagnostic coronary angiography is simple, but not without complications, and may end up a nightmare.
Diagnostic coronary angiography...
Cath Lab Digest
They came from near and far to participate in the September 2017 Cath Lab and Beyond course, a 35-hour educational offering designed for nurses and technologists new to the cath lab setting.
They came from near and far to participate in the September 2017 Cath Lab and Beyond course, a 35-hour educational offering designed for nurses and technologists new to the cath lab setting.
They came from near and far to...
Cath Lab Digest
Meeting Update
November 11-12, 2016, marked the 11th annual WI-SICP Educational Conference, held at the Kalahari Water Park and Resort in the Wisconsin Dells.  
November 11-12, 2016, marked the 11th annual WI-SICP Educational Conference, held at the Kalahari Water Park and Resort in the Wisconsin Dells.  
November 11-12, 2016, marked the...
Cath Lab Digest
CLI Perspectives
The AMPutation Prevention Symposium, to take place in Chicago, August 9-12, 2017, is where the world’s leading critical limb ischemia (CLI) operators gather to participate as a community of clinicians. 
The AMPutation Prevention Symposium, to take place in Chicago, August 9-12, 2017, is where the world’s leading critical limb ischemia (CLI) operators gather to participate as a community of clinicians. 
The AMPutation Prevention...
Cath Lab Digest
CRF-SKIRBALL Interventional Innovation Corner
Several years ago, inspired by the fact that we receive so many applications to present innovation at TCT, we decided to separate innovation from mainstream education and hold dedicated sessions in order to display the best innovative...
Several years ago, inspired by the fact that we receive so many applications to present innovation at TCT, we decided to separate innovation from mainstream education and hold dedicated sessions in order to display the best innovative...
Several years ago, inspired by...
Cath Lab Digest
Meeting Update
This year’s record attendance included nearly 800 participants from 42 states and 19 countries, representing the nation’s largest gathering of clinicians dedicated to preventing unnecessary amputations due to critical limb ischemia (CLI).   
This year’s record attendance included nearly 800 participants from 42 states and 19 countries, representing the nation’s largest gathering of clinicians dedicated to preventing unnecessary amputations due to critical limb ischemia (CLI).   
This year’s record attendance...
Cath Lab Digest
CLI Perspectives
 I first learned about CLI and its implications at VIVA years ago and have watched the evolving education pertaining to CLI growing.  
 I first learned about CLI and its implications at VIVA years ago and have watched the evolving education pertaining to CLI growing.  
 I first learned about CLI and...
Cath Lab Digest
Conference Highlights

September 13-16, 2014, Washington, D.C.

September 13-16, 2014, Washington, D....
Held September 13-16, 2014, in Washington, D.C. TCT is the Cardiovascular Research Foundation’s annual scientific symposium, focusing on interventional cardiovascular medicine. 
Held September 13-16, 2014, in Washington, D.C. TCT is the Cardiovascular Research Foundation’s annual scientific symposium, focusing on interventional cardiovascular medicine. 
Held September 13-16, 2014, in...
Cath Lab Digest