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Vascular Access & Closure

Case Report

Gabriel T. Brandner, BS1, George L. Adams, MD2, MHS, FACC, Rachel C. Hurst, BS1, Mason Nagel, BS3

Gabriel T. Brandner, BS1, George L. A...
The present case describes a bilateral above-knee amputee who presented with ischemic rest pain (Rutherford 4). This case highlights an exotic access technique through the left brachial and left profunda femoris arteries to recanalize the...
The present case describes a bilateral above-knee amputee who presented with ischemic rest pain (Rutherford 4). This case highlights an exotic access technique through the left brachial and left profunda femoris arteries to recanalize the...
The present case describes a...
Cath Lab Digest
Editor's Corner

Morton J. Kern, MD

Morton J. Kern, MD
Last week, after returning from the Scottsdale Interventional Forum and hearing about distal transradial (dTRA) access, particularly for left arm cath, I decided to give it a try.
Last week, after returning from the Scottsdale Interventional Forum and hearing about distal transradial (dTRA) access, particularly for left arm cath, I decided to give it a try.
Last week, after returning from...
Cath Lab Digest

Ferdinand Kiemeneij1, MD, PhD, Darren Klass2, MD, PhD, and Sandeep Nathan3, MD, MSc

Ferdinand Kiemeneij1, MD, PhD, Darren...
Accessing the radial artery distal to the wrist in the anatomic snuffbox is a reasonable option for primary access, as well as a suitable bailout option.
Accessing the radial artery distal to the wrist in the anatomic snuffbox is a reasonable option for primary access, as well as a suitable bailout option.
Accessing the radial artery...
Cath Lab Digest
Letters to the Editor

Faris G. Araj, MD, Julie Cox, BSN, RN, BS, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

Faris G. Araj, MD, Julie Cox, BSN, RN...
The subclavian vein, compared to other central vascular access sites, offers the potential of lower infectious and thrombotic events(2,3), in addition to greater patient comfort during long-term use.
The subclavian vein, compared to other central vascular access sites, offers the potential of lower infectious and thrombotic events(2,3), in addition to greater patient comfort during long-term use.
The subclavian vein, compared to...
Cath Lab Digest
Cath Lab Management

Sreekumar Madassery, MD, Assistant Professor of Vascular & Interventional Radiology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois

Sreekumar Madassery, MD, Assistant Pr...
The Rush University Medical Center Experience: A 360° View of the Vascade Performance Guarantee
The Rush University Medical Center Experience: A 360° View of the Vascade Performance Guarantee
The Rush University Medical...
Cath Lab Digest
Suggested Technique

David J. Luke, MD, Joseph A. Walsh, MD, David V. Daniels, MD, Sutter Health Cardiology, San Francisco, California

David J. Luke, MD, Joseph A. Walsh, M...
The peri-close technique for percutaneous closure of large-bore access is the primary closure technique for structural heart and peripheral ECMO cases at our institution. This technique is simple, and utilizes a device that is both well known...
The peri-close technique for percutaneous closure of large-bore access is the primary closure technique for structural heart and peripheral ECMO cases at our institution. This technique is simple, and utilizes a device that is both well known...
The peri-close technique for...
Cath Lab Digest
Radial Images

Ian C. Gilchrist, MD

Ian C. Gilchrist, MD
Koutouzis et al(1) offer one of the first reports in a journal of hematoma encountered after dorsal radial access, although several other reports of hematoma and even pseudoaneurysm(2) have already appeared on social media.
Koutouzis et al(1) offer one of the first reports in a journal of hematoma encountered after dorsal radial access, although several other reports of hematoma and even pseudoaneurysm(2) have already appeared on social media.
Koutouzis et al(1) offer one of...
Cath Lab Digest