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Gabriel T. Brandner, BS 

Case Report
The present case describes a bilateral above-knee amputee who presented with ischemic rest pain (Rutherford 4). This case highlights an exotic access technique through the left brachial and left profunda femoris arteries to recanalize the...
The present case describes a bilateral above-knee amputee who presented with ischemic rest pain (Rutherford 4). This case highlights an exotic access technique through the left brachial and left profunda femoris arteries to recanalize the...
The present case describes a...
Cath Lab Digest
Case Report
In the case herein, procedural success — defined by stenosis reduction and distal reperfusion of bilateral stumps — was dependent upon gaining arterial access through exotic techniques and crossing the CTOs.
In the case herein, procedural success — defined by stenosis reduction and distal reperfusion of bilateral stumps — was dependent upon gaining arterial access through exotic techniques and crossing the CTOs.
In the case herein, procedural...
Vascular Disease Management
Case Report
Brandner and Adams discuss a case that highlights the use of Tack implants to address two grade D dissections of the mid-right superficial femoral artery (SFA) following balloon angioplasty.  
Brandner and Adams discuss a case that highlights the use of Tack implants to address two grade D dissections of the mid-right superficial femoral artery (SFA) following balloon angioplasty.  
Brandner and Adams discuss a...
Vascular Disease Management