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Fractional Flow Reserve

Original Contribution

Chenguang Li, MD, PhD1; Jing Wu, MS2; Jiayan Lin, BS3; Yizhe Wu, MD, PhD1; Rende Xu, MD, PhD1; Juying Qian, MD, PhD1; William Kongto Hau, PhD4; Emanuele Barbato, MD, PhD5,6; Nils P. Johnson, MD, MS7,8; Barry Hennigan, MBBChBAO, BMedSci9; Colin Berry, MBChB, MD, PhD9,10; Keith G. Oldroyd, MBChB, MD (Hons)9; Liang Song, PhD3; Junbo Ge, MD, PhD1

Chenguang Li, MD, PhD1; Jing Wu, MS2;...
The authors aim to validate a new resting index, the constant resistance ratio (cRR), by retrospectively calculating the cRR values from raw pressure waveforms collected from the CONTRAST and VERIFY 2 studies and comparing these results with...
The authors aim to validate a new resting index, the constant resistance ratio (cRR), by retrospectively calculating the cRR values from raw pressure waveforms collected from the CONTRAST and VERIFY 2 studies and comparing these results with...
The authors aim to validate a...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Miguel Nobre Menezes, MD, MSc1,2; João Lourenço Silva, MSc3,4; Beatriz Silva, MD1,2; Rita Marante de Oliveira, BSc5; Tiago Rodrigues, MD1,2; Arlindo L. Oliveira, PhD3,4; Fausto J. Pinto, PhD1,2

Miguel Nobre Menezes, MD, MSc1,2; Joã...
In this pilot study, the authors aimed to develop fully automated artificial intelligence models capable of binary instantaneous free-wave ratio (iFR) lesion classification from coronary angiography images alone, using measured invasive iFR...
In this pilot study, the authors aimed to develop fully automated artificial intelligence models capable of binary instantaneous free-wave ratio (iFR) lesion classification from coronary angiography images alone, using measured invasive iFR...
In this pilot study, the authors...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Peter Kayaert, MD, PhD1,2; Mathieu Coeman, MD3; Chadi Ghafari, MD4,5; Benny Drieghe, MD6; Peter Gheeraert, MD, PhD6; Johan Bennett, MD, PhD7,8; Keir McCutcheon, MD, PhD7,8; Claudiu Ungureanu, MD9; Bert Vandeloo, MD10; Vincent Floré, MD, PhD11; Kurt Hermans, MD12; Jo Dens, MD, PhD13; Georges Saad, MD14; Luc Janssens, MD15; Panos Xaplanteris, MD16; Yoann Bataille, MD, PhD1,2; Oscar Semeraro, MD17; Joelle Kefer, MD18,19; Sofie Gevaert, MD6; Michel De Pauw, MD6;  Stéphane Carlier, MD4,5; Marc J Claeys, MD, PhD20,21; Steven Haine, MD, PhD20,21

Peter Kayaert, MD, PhD1,2; Mathieu Co...
This study aimed to assess discordance between results instantaneous wave-free ratio, fractional flow reserve, and intravascular ultrasound in intermediate left main coronary lesions.
This study aimed to assess discordance between results instantaneous wave-free ratio, fractional flow reserve, and intravascular ultrasound in intermediate left main coronary lesions.
This study aimed to assess...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Research

Luciano de Moura Santos, MD1,2;  Wenderval Borges Carvalho Júnior, MD2;  Marcelo Harada Ribeiro, MD1;  Maria Antonieta A.A. Medeiros Lopes, MD1;  Eduardo Freitas da Silva, PhD3;  Julia Tizue Fukushima, MSc1;  Alexandre Antônio Cunha Abizaid, MD, PhD1,  Carlos M. Campos, MD, PhD1,4

Luciano de Moura Santos, MD1,2;  Wend...
Fractional flow reserve (FFR) has been established as the gold standard in the physiological assessment of coronary obstructions severity. However, the need to insert an intracoronary pressure guidewire is a factor that limits its use....
Fractional flow reserve (FFR) has been established as the gold standard in the physiological assessment of coronary obstructions severity. However, the need to insert an intracoronary pressure guidewire is a factor that limits its use....
Fractional flow reserve (FFR)...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Vladimir Rubimbura, MD1;  Nils Johnson, MD, MS2;  Marcel van’t Veer, PhD3;  Julien Adjedj, MD, PhD1,4;  Stephane Fournier, MD1;  Marion Dupré, MD1;  Bernard De Bruyne, MD, PhD1,5;  Eric Eeckhout, MD, PhD1;  Olivier Muller, MD, PhD

Vladimir Rubimbura, MD1;  Nils Johnso...
The treatment of a coronary bifurcation with a single stent (the provisional stenting technique) is associated with a good outcome in most cases. In the majority of cases, after provisional stenting technique, a residual significant...
The treatment of a coronary bifurcation with a single stent (the provisional stenting technique) is associated with a good outcome in most cases. In the majority of cases, after provisional stenting technique, a residual significant...
The treatment of a coronary...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Uram Jin, MD1;  So-Yeon Choi, MD, PhD1;  Jisung Jung, MS1;  Jungil Lee, PhD2;  Gary S. Mintz, MD3;  Kyoung-Woo Seo, MD1;  Hyoung-Mo Yang, MD, PhD1;  Hong-Seok Lim, MD, PhD1;  Byoung-Joo Choi, MD1;  Myeong-Ho Yoon, MD, PhD1;   Joon-Han Shin, MD1;  Seung-Jea Tahk, MD, PhD1

Uram Jin, MD1;  So-Yeon Choi, MD, PhD...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between translesional pressure parameters (using a pressure wire) and plaque characteristics (using a combined near-infrared spectroscopy and intravascular ultrasound imaging catheter).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between translesional pressure parameters (using a pressure wire) and plaque characteristics (using a combined near-infrared spectroscopy and intravascular ultrasound imaging catheter).
The aim of this study was to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Bhavik N. Modi, MBBS, PhD1*;  Ozan M. Demir, MBBS, MSc1,2*;  Haseeb Rahman, BMBCh, PhD1;  Matthew Ryan, MBChB, BSc1;  Sara Abou Sherif, MBBS1;  Howard Ellis, BSc1;  Antonio Colombo, MD3;  Divaka Perera, MB, BChir, MD1

Bhavik N. Modi, MBBS, PhD1*;  Ozan M....
Fractional flow reserve (FFR) pullback is frequently used to assess serially diseased arteries, but has been shown to be inaccurate due to physiological interaction between individual lesions. We evaluated the clinical utility of a novel...
Fractional flow reserve (FFR) pullback is frequently used to assess serially diseased arteries, but has been shown to be inaccurate due to physiological interaction between individual lesions. We evaluated the clinical utility of a novel...
Fractional flow reserve (FFR)...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution

Joost D.E. Haeck, MD, PhD1;  Marcel van’t Veer, PhD2
Frederik M. Zimmermann, MD2;  Franz-Josef Neumann, MD3
Andreas S. Triantafyllis, MD, PhD4;  Krischan D. Sjauw, MD, PhD1;
Mohamed Abdel-Wahab, MD5;  Elmir Omerovic, MD6
Bianca M. Boxma-de Klerk, PhD7;  Nico H.J. Pijls, MD, PhD2;
Gert Richardt, MD, PhD8;  Pim A.L. Tonino, MD, PhD2
Nils P. Johnson, MD, MS9;  Pieter C. Smits, MD, PhD7 

Joost D.E. Haeck, MD, PhD1;  Marcel v...
We investigated the association of CFR in FFR-positive lesions with clinical outcomes when treated medically, as well as the treatment effect of PCI vs medical therapy in FFR-positive lesions and a preserved CFR.
We investigated the association of CFR in FFR-positive lesions with clinical outcomes when treated medically, as well as the treatment effect of PCI vs medical therapy in FFR-positive lesions and a preserved CFR.
We investigated the association...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
High Prevalence of Asymptomatic Ischemia-Producing Coronary Stenosis in Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia: Anatomic and Functional Assessment With Coronary CT-Derived Fractional Flow Reserve (FFRCT)
Original Research

Dainis Krievins, MD1; Edgars Zellans, MD1; Andrejs Erglis, MD1; Ligita Zvaigzne, MD1; Aigars Lacis, MD1; Sanda Jēgere, MD1; Indulis Kumsars, MD1; Gustavs Latkovskis, MD1; Peteris Stradins, MD1; Christopher K. Zarins, MD2

1University of Latvia, Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Riga, Latvia; and 2HeartFlow, Inc., Redwood City, California

Dainis Krievins, MD1; Edgars Zellans,...
CLI patients with no cardiac history undergoing limb salvage surgery have a high prevalence of asymptomatic ischemia-producing coronary stenosis, which may put them at increased risk.
CLI patients with no cardiac history undergoing limb salvage surgery have a high prevalence of asymptomatic ischemia-producing coronary stenosis, which may put them at increased risk.
CLI patients with no cardiac...
Vascular Disease Management
Clinical Editor's Corner

Morton Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA

Clinical Editor; Chief of Medicine, Long Beach VA Medical Center, Long Beach, California;

Associate Chief Cardiology, University of California, Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California

Morton Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC, FAHA C...
At this time, I believe we should use functional (FFR/NHPR) assessment of CAD for best decisions in this often elderly and frail patient group.
At this time, I believe we should use functional (FFR/NHPR) assessment of CAD for best decisions in this often elderly and frail patient group.
At this time, I believe we...
Cath Lab Digest