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electrical stimulation

Case Series
David Charles Hatch
Michael Lavor
This single-center case series reports use of a topical ultrahigh frequency electrical stimulation therapy to decrease wound pain and improve the rate of closure in difficult-to-heal wounds in 9 patients.
This single-center case series reports use of a topical ultrahigh frequency electrical stimulation therapy to decrease wound pain and improve the rate of closure in difficult-to-heal wounds in 9 patients.
This single-center case series...
Monophasic Pulsed 200-mA Current Promotes Galvanotaxis With Polarization of Actin Filament and Integrin a2b1 in Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Mikiko Uemura, MS, Noriaki Maeshige, PhD, Yuka Koga, Michiko Ishikawa-Aoyama, PhD, Makoto Miyoshi, PhD, Masaharu Sugimoto, MS, Hiroto Terashi, MD, PhD, and Makoto Usami, MD, PhD
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCMi...
Monophasic Pulsed 200-μA Current Promotes Galvanotaxis With Polarization of Actin Filament and Integrin α2β1 in Human Dermal Fibroblasts Mikiko Uemura, MS,a,b Noriaki Maeshige, PhD,c Yuka Koga,a Michiko...
Monophasic Pulsed 200-μA Current Promotes Galvanotaxis With Polarization of Actin Filament and Integrin α2β1 in Human Dermal Fibroblasts Mikiko Uemura, MS,a,b Noriaki Maeshige, PhD,c Yuka Koga,a Michiko...
Monophasic Pulsed...
Electrical stimulation (E-Stim) may offer a unique treatment option to heal complicated diabetic foot ulcers (DFU). However, there is no randomized controlled trial to examine effectivene...
While few studies suggest the benefit of electrical stimulation (E-Stim) therapy to accelerate wound healing, the underlying mechanism of action is still debated (1-3). In this study, we ...
Electrical stimulation (E-Stim) may offer a unique treatment option to heal complicated diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) (1-3). However, there is no randomized controlled trial to examine effec...
Original Research
Aletha W. Tippett