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electrical stimulation

Case Series
This single-center case series reports use of a topical ultrahigh frequency electrical stimulation therapy to decrease wound pain and improve the rate of closure in difficult-to-heal wounds in 9 patients.
This single-center case series reports use of a topical ultrahigh frequency electrical stimulation therapy to decrease wound pain and improve the rate of closure in difficult-to-heal wounds in 9 patients.
This single-center case series...
Monophasic Pulsed 200-mA Current Promotes Galvanotaxis With Polarization of Actin Filament and Integrin a2b1 in Human Dermal Fibroblasts
Monophasic Pulsed 200-μA Current Promotes Galvanotaxis With Polarization of Actin Filament and Integrin α2β1 in Human Dermal Fibroblasts Mikiko Uemura, MS,a,b Noriaki Maeshige, PhD,c Yuka Koga,a Michiko...
Monophasic Pulsed 200-μA Current Promotes Galvanotaxis With Polarization of Actin Filament and Integrin α2β1 in Human Dermal Fibroblasts Mikiko Uemura, MS,a,b Noriaki Maeshige, PhD,c Yuka Koga,a Michiko...
Monophasic Pulsed...
While few studies suggest the benefit of electrical stimulation (E-Stim) therapy to accelerate wound healing, the underlying mechanism of action is still debated (1-3). In this study, we ...