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We present a case of a recurrent venous leg ulcer (VLU) that was resistant to compression and many advanced wound products. In this case study, we examine the long-term clinical effects o...
Transmetatarsal amputation (TMA) is a viable option to avoid major amputation and limb loss in patients with forefoot sepsis, infection, or tissue loss [1,2]. However, TMAs are associated...
Venous ulceration is the most common type of leg ulceration and a significant clinical problem, affecting approximately 1% of the population and 3% of people over 80 years of age in weste...
Diabetes mellitus has become a global pandemic, with ~422 million people affected worldwide, including 29 million people in the US [1, 2]. Patients with diabetes have may have up to a 25%...
A 52 year old male presents with a history of TBI, lumbar/cervical disk degeneration, and progressive radiculopathy for the past 2 years. Patient reports, in the last 2 years he has digre...
The aims are twofold: to compare cellular viability between cryopreserved and lyopreserved constructs; and evaluate clinical outcomes of the lyopreserved amniotic membrane (LAM).
Hyperspectral imaging was employed to assess the tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) levels in wounds during a clinical trial for an amniotic membrane. 40 patients with foot ulcers were enrol...
Patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), in particular when unresponsive to standard wound care, face serious risks of severe complications, including infection and amputation. The mana...
To compare soft tissue infection (SSTI) and osteomyelitis (OM) pathogens in patients with and without diabetes and in patients who did and did not wear shoes at the time of puncture injur...
Rationale: Improving health-related quality of life (QoL) is important for patients living with chronic wounds. Chronic wounds don’t progress timely through the normal healing process.  P...