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Split-Thickness Skin Graft

The Gallipot Method—A Point of Technique for Safe and Easy Staple Removal From Split-Thickness Skin Grafts
Letters to the Editor
LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Gallipot Method—A Point of Technique for Safe and Easy Staple Removal From Split-Thickness Skin Grafts Stephen R. Ali, MMedSc(Hons), PGCME, MRCS(Eng),a and Jonathon Pleat, DPhil, MA,...
LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Gallipot Method—A Point of Technique for Safe and Easy Staple Removal From Split-Thickness Skin Grafts Stephen R. Ali, MMedSc(Hons), PGCME, MRCS(Eng),a and Jonathon Pleat, DPhil, MA,...
Case Report
The authors report the first 2 cases of necrotizing fasciitis with resulting complex wounds in which NPWTi-d was utilized during all phases of care (including after graft transfer) with excellent outcomes.
The authors report the first 2 cases of necrotizing fasciitis with resulting complex wounds in which NPWTi-d was utilized during all phases of care (including after graft transfer) with excellent outcomes.
The authors report the first 2...
The Efficacy of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Split-thickness Skin Grafts for Wounds on the Trunk or the Neck: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Original Research
A study was conducted to compare negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) to conventional bolster dressings in facilitating firm split-thickness skin graft (STSG) attachment and allowing relatively easy removal of exudates.
A study was conducted to compare negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) to conventional bolster dressings in facilitating firm split-thickness skin graft (STSG) attachment and allowing relatively easy removal of exudates.
A study was conducted to compare...
Case Series
This case report evaluates clinical outcomes following application of cellular suspension with split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs) as an adjunct for definitive closure of burn injuries and donor sites in 2 pediatric patients.
This case report evaluates clinical outcomes following application of cellular suspension with split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs) as an adjunct for definitive closure of burn injuries and donor sites in 2 pediatric patients.
This case report evaluates...
Original Research
In this study, the authors examine factors predictive of STSG healing in patients with PAD following vascular intervention, including the effect of non-inline flow via arterial-arterial and non-arterial collateralization.
In this study, the authors examine factors predictive of STSG healing in patients with PAD following vascular intervention, including the effect of non-inline flow via arterial-arterial and non-arterial collateralization.
In this study, the authors...
Case Series
Aim: This study highlights the efficacy of using a single-patient, portable NPWT device over an advanced biomatrix and split-thickness skin graft (STSG) in a single stage. NPWT is a clinically proven therapy to assist in the healing of a STSG...
Aim: This study highlights the efficacy of using a single-patient, portable NPWT device over an advanced biomatrix and split-thickness skin graft (STSG) in a single stage. NPWT is a clinically proven therapy to assist in the healing of a STSG...
Aim: This study highlights the...
Original Research
This study analyzes the safety and efficacy of a new dermatome (test device) for the tangential excision of necrosis and harvesting of split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs).
This study analyzes the safety and efficacy of a new dermatome (test device) for the tangential excision of necrosis and harvesting of split-thickness skin grafts (STSGs).
This study analyzes the safety...
Clinical Research Poster
Introduction. Split-thickness skin grafting (STSG) is an effective coverage method for chronic foot ulcers. Many of these ulcers develop on the plantar aspect of the foot. Split-thickness skin grafting may be a high-risk operation in such a...
Introduction. Split-thickness skin grafting (STSG) is an effective coverage method for chronic foot ulcers. Many of these ulcers develop on the plantar aspect of the foot. Split-thickness skin grafting may be a high-risk operation in such a...
Introduction. Split-thickness...
Case Report and Brief Review
The case of a 43-year-old woman with diabetes who was admitted to the University Hospital Rebro (Zagreb, Croatia) due to an infected, nonhealing wound on her left foot. Skin grafts combined with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) before...
The case of a 43-year-old woman with diabetes who was admitted to the University Hospital Rebro (Zagreb, Croatia) due to an infected, nonhealing wound on her left foot. Skin grafts combined with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) before...
The case of a 43-year-old woman...
Case Series
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of chronic, nonhealing wounds is 1% to 2% of the general population, with Medicare expenditures estimated to range as high as $96.8 billion. Advances in chronic wound treatments have the potential to expedite...
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of chronic, nonhealing wounds is 1% to 2% of the general population, with Medicare expenditures estimated to range as high as $96.8 billion. Advances in chronic wound treatments have the potential to expedite...
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of...