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Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

Introduction: In patients treated with negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), pain related to the removal of the acrylic drape and periwound skin irritation are known issues. As an alter...
Original Research
Adolfo Cuendis-Velázquez
Mario Trejo-Avila
Elisafat Arce-Liévano
Eduardo Cárdenas-Lailson
Carlos Sanjuan-Martínez
Mucio Moreno-Portillo
The aim of this study is to describe an easily reproducible technique for effluent control in patients with enteroatmospheric fistula.
The aim of this study is to describe an easily reproducible technique for effluent control in patients with enteroatmospheric fistula.
The aim of this study is to...
Overview This program is designed to increase knowledge of appropriate and safe use of NPWT. The activity will provide practical knowledge to all clinicians when using NPWT. Content includes considerations for wound selection criteria,...
Overview This program is designed to increase knowledge of appropriate and safe use of NPWT. The activity will provide practical knowledge to all clinicians when using NPWT. Content includes considerations for wound selection criteria,...
Overview This program is...
Case Report and Brief Review
Sergio Losa-Palacios
Ainara Achaerandio-de Nova
Marcela Restrepo-Pérez
Manuel Gerónimo-Pardo
A 41-year-old, uncooperative, homeless man, presented to the emergency room with a left olecranon fracture. After planned surgery, the surgical wound became infected with a methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus because the treatment...
A 41-year-old, uncooperative, homeless man, presented to the emergency room with a left olecranon fracture. After planned surgery, the surgical wound became infected with a methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus because the treatment...
A 41-year-old, uncooperative,...
Case Report and Brief Review
Yuichiro Uoya
Naohiro Ishii
Kazuo Kishi
A 76-year-old man with intractable skin ulcers on both lateral malleoli presented to an outpatient clinic. Conservative treatment over a 3-month period had not been effective. The authors applied NPWT to the left leg and NPWTi-d to the right...
A 76-year-old man with intractable skin ulcers on both lateral malleoli presented to an outpatient clinic. Conservative treatment over a 3-month period had not been effective. The authors applied NPWT to the left leg and NPWTi-d to the right...
A 76-year-old man with...
Laboratory Research
Introduction: The ability of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) to deliver targeted negative pressure (NP) is challenged by complexities in moving exudate and air from the wound to the therapy unit. Wound pressure-regulating technology...
Introduction: The ability of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) to deliver targeted negative pressure (NP) is challenged by complexities in moving exudate and air from the wound to the therapy unit. Wound pressure-regulating technology...
Introduction: The ability of...
Health Economics
Aim: This study assessed the economic savings when using a single-stage, single-patient negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT; Invia Motion NPWT; Medela, McHenry, IL) system over an advanced biomatrix (Integra Bilayer Wound Matrix; Integra...
Aim: This study assessed the economic savings when using a single-stage, single-patient negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT; Invia Motion NPWT; Medela, McHenry, IL) system over an advanced biomatrix (Integra Bilayer Wound Matrix; Integra...
Aim: This study assessed the...
Case Series
Aim: This study highlights the efficacy of using a single-patient, portable NPWT device over an advanced biomatrix and split-thickness skin graft (STSG) in a single stage. NPWT is a clinically proven therapy to assist in the healing of a STSG...
Aim: This study highlights the efficacy of using a single-patient, portable NPWT device over an advanced biomatrix and split-thickness skin graft (STSG) in a single stage. NPWT is a clinically proven therapy to assist in the healing of a STSG...
Aim: This study highlights the...
Rapid Communication
April Lumpkins
Tamara Stanton
Three home care patients receiving NPWT are presented to examine the relationship between patients using the RTM system and Virtual Therapy Specialists (VTS).
Three home care patients receiving NPWT are presented to examine the relationship between patients using the RTM system and Virtual Therapy Specialists (VTS).
Three home care patients...
Original Research
Xiao Shen
Tianfu Zhan
Dayong Wei
Hengshu Zhang
This retrospective study compares the efficacy and complications between NPWT and conventional mechanical fixation in skin grafts.
This retrospective study compares the efficacy and complications between NPWT and conventional mechanical fixation in skin grafts.
This retrospective study...