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wound management

The Use of an Advanced Fluorescence Imaging System to Target Wound Debridement
Conference Insights
A novel point-of-care fluorescence imaging system aids in bacterial-targeted debridement and bio-burden management in the treatment of chronic wounds. This observational case series investigated the use of this imaging device to...
A novel point-of-care fluorescence imaging system aids in bacterial-targeted debridement and bio-burden management in the treatment of chronic wounds. This observational case series investigated the use of this imaging device to...
A novel point-of-care...
Wound Care
Purpose: In the absence of published data, the singular purpose of this project was to assess the effectiveness of pillows used for heel offloading, across a diverse patient and facility ...
Application of the Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Device (PICO) on a Heterogeneous Group of Surgical and Traumatic Wounds
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLC
Caroline Payne, BSc (Hons), MSc, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Plast), and Daren Edwards, RGN, MBE
Publisher:Open Science Company, LLCCa...
Application of the Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Device (PICO) on a Heterogeneous Group of Surgical and Traumatic Wounds Caroline Payne, BSc (Hons), MSc, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Plast), and Daren Edwards, RGN, MBE The...
Application of the Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Device (PICO) on a Heterogeneous Group of Surgical and Traumatic Wounds Caroline Payne, BSc (Hons), MSc, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Plast), and Daren Edwards, RGN, MBE The...
Application of the Single...
The Wound Care Learning Network had the opportunity to talk with Martin Burns, CEO of Bruin Biometrics, about his perspectives on the terminology controversy with pressure ulcers/injuries, the updated National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel...
The Wound Care Learning Network had the opportunity to talk with Martin Burns, CEO of Bruin Biometrics, about his perspectives on the terminology controversy with pressure ulcers/injuries, the updated National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel...
The Wound Care Learning Network...
Wound Care
Listen to "Net Health Acquisition" on Spreaker.
Listen to "Net Health Acquisition" on Spreaker.
Listen to "Net Health...
Wound Care
Spotlight Interview
Listen to "Spotlight Interview: Martin Burns, CEO" on Spreaker.
Listen to "Spotlight Interview: Martin Burns, CEO" on Spreaker.
Listen to "Spotlight Interview:...
Wound Care
New MolecuLight i:X® Upgrade Enables Faster, More Accurate Digital Wound Measurement
Press Release
i:X Platform’s Precise Wound Measurement, along with Fluorescence Imaging, for More Accurate Detection and Ongoing Documentation of Wounds
i:X Platform’s Precise Wound Measurement, along with Fluorescence Imaging, for More Accurate Detection and Ongoing Documentation of Wounds
i:X Platform’s Precise...
Wound Care
01/15/2020 launches digital wound management solution and successfully registers product with FDA, offering new options for millions suffering from chronic wounds launches digital wound management solution and successfully registers product with FDA, offering new options for millions suffering from chronic wounds launches digital...
Wound Care
Clinically evaluate an advanced extracellular matrix (ECM) technology across different Canadian care settings for the management of chronic wounds. Participants (n=33) aged 18–98 were rec...
An estimated 2.6% of Americans over the age of 13 have injected illicit drugs. Chronic drug use is associated with endovascular infections, endocarditis, abscesses, limb ischemia, celluli...