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Radoslava Stoddard, BSN, RN, CWON, CFCN

In their poster at SAWC Fall 2019, Rados Stoddard and Roxy Lupien discussed three case studies demonstrating certain characteristics associated with chronic injection drug abuse that presents challenges to wound management/healing in the...
In their poster at SAWC Fall 2019, Rados Stoddard and Roxy Lupien discussed three case studies demonstrating certain characteristics associated with chronic injection drug abuse that presents challenges to wound management/healing in the...
In their poster at SAWC Fall...
Wound Management & Prevention
An estimated 2.6% of Americans over the age of 13 have injected illicit drugs. Chronic drug use is associated with endovascular infections, endocarditis, abscesses, limb ischemia, celluli...
The terms “road rash” and “road burns” are colloquialisms for friction burns resulting when the skin is scraped off by contact with some hard object such as the ground. Medical management...