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cryopreserved placental membrane with viable cells

Original Research
This study aimed to evaluate the clinical outcomes of amnion-derived and chorion-derived cryopreserved placental membranes containing viable cells in the treatment of nonhealing upper-extremity and lower-extremity wounds of nondiabetic and...
This study aimed to evaluate the clinical outcomes of amnion-derived and chorion-derived cryopreserved placental membranes containing viable cells in the treatment of nonhealing upper-extremity and lower-extremity wounds of nondiabetic and...
This study aimed to evaluate the...
Case Series
The aim of this study is to evaluate the outcomes associated with the use of a cryopreserved placental membrane containing viable cells (vCPM) graft for the augmentation of surgical flap closure in nonhealing perineal ulcers.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the outcomes associated with the use of a cryopreserved placental membrane containing viable cells (vCPM) graft for the augmentation of surgical flap closure in nonhealing perineal ulcers.
The aim of this study is to...