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Prithwish Banerjee, MD, MRCP

Perhaps we interventionists should be more aware than we currently are of our patients’ left ventricular (LV) function or what angioplasty might do to that LV function. I am not suggesting that we don’t attach importance to this vital detail....
Perhaps we interventionists should be more aware than we currently are of our patients’ left ventricular (LV) function or what angioplasty might do to that LV function. I am not suggesting that we don’t attach importance to this vital detail....
Perhaps we interventionists...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
I. Primary Angioplasty (doctor) Sarah’s cheerful face Popped through the cath lab door, “There’s an inferior MI in A&E 34-year-old man. Other lab is busy.” I had just finished Angio-Sealing The last double-vessel PCI; “Ready when you are...
I. Primary Angioplasty (doctor) Sarah’s cheerful face Popped through the cath lab door, “There’s an inferior MI in A&E 34-year-old man. Other lab is busy.” I had just finished Angio-Sealing The last double-vessel PCI; “Ready when you are...
I. Primary Angioplasty...
Cath Lab Digest
You won’t hear them breathe In the cath lab. A calm silence usually Prevails, interrupted occasionally By some familiar sounds: A warm chatter with the patient As he is wheeled in; Witty remarks exchanged Between a young registrar And the...
You won’t hear them breathe In the cath lab. A calm silence usually Prevails, interrupted occasionally By some familiar sounds: A warm chatter with the patient As he is wheeled in; Witty remarks exchanged Between a young registrar And the...
You won’t hear them breathe In...
Cath Lab Digest