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Roopali Khanna, DM, MD

ABSTRACT: With increasing coronary interventions, coronary stent fracture following implantation of drug-eluting stents is being commonly recognized. Though isolated strut fractures are often only incidental findings, more severe forms of...
ABSTRACT: With increasing coronary interventions, coronary stent fracture following implantation of drug-eluting stents is being commonly recognized. Though isolated strut fractures are often only incidental findings, more severe forms of...
ABSTRACT: With increasing...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Arterial Anomalies of the Upper Limb and Their Influence on Transradial Coronary Procedures
During transradial coronary procedures, arterial anomalies of the upper limb can lead to transradial navigation difficulties. We aimed to evaluate the incidence and impact of these anomalies on transradial procedures.
During transradial coronary procedures, arterial anomalies of the upper limb can lead to transradial navigation difficulties. We aimed to evaluate the incidence and impact of these anomalies on transradial procedures.
During transradial coronary...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Original Contribution
A serial vascular Doppler examination of the incidence and predictors of radial artery occlusion (RAO) after transradial coronary angioplasty, which finds that preprocedure radial artery inner diameter ≤2.5 mm and peak systolic velocity are...
A serial vascular Doppler examination of the incidence and predictors of radial artery occlusion (RAO) after transradial coronary angioplasty, which finds that preprocedure radial artery inner diameter ≤2.5 mm and peak systolic velocity are...
A serial vascular Doppler...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology