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Cynthia J. Havrilak, RN, MSN

Your institution has made the decision to include percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), with or without open heart surgical back-up, in their cardiology service line. While you are addressing construction, equipment and personnel issues,...
Your institution has made the decision to include percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), with or without open heart surgical back-up, in their cardiology service line. While you are addressing construction, equipment and personnel issues,...
Your institution has made the...
Cath Lab Digest
Your institution has made the decision to include percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), with or without open heart surgical back-up, in their cardiology service line. While you are addressing construction, equipment and personnel issues,...
Your institution has made the decision to include percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), with or without open heart surgical back-up, in their cardiology service line. While you are addressing construction, equipment and personnel issues,...
Your institution has made the...
Cath Lab Digest