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Brenda Neckels, RN, BSN

Electrophysiology Corner
Twiddler syndrome is an infrequent but potentially dangerous complication of device therapy for dysrhythmias. This syndrome results from the manipulation of the implanted pulse generator by the patient, leading to traction and subsequent lead...
Twiddler syndrome is an infrequent but potentially dangerous complication of device therapy for dysrhythmias. This syndrome results from the manipulation of the implanted pulse generator by the patient, leading to traction and subsequent lead...
Twiddler syndrome is an...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Spotlight Interview
Medical Center Hospital has one EP lab in a department with three other labs — two cardiac labs and one special procedures lab. The EP lab opened in 1999.
Medical Center Hospital has one EP lab in a department with three other labs — two cardiac labs and one special procedures lab. The EP lab opened in 1999.
Medical Center Hospital has one...
EP Lab Digest