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Pramod K. Kuchulakanti, MD

Original Contribution
The major cause of mortality in dialysis patients is attributable to cardiovascular diseases.1,2 The higher prevalence of coronary artery disease in this population is thought to be related to a higher risk factor distribution, platelet...
The major cause of mortality in dialysis patients is attributable to cardiovascular diseases.1,2 The higher prevalence of coronary artery disease in this population is thought to be related to a higher risk factor distribution, platelet...
The major cause of mortality in...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Aortic stenosis (AS) is prevalent in 2–7% of the population over 65 years of age.1 Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) coexists in 27–43% of patients with AS.2 Management of CAD in patients with AS poses special problems since...
Aortic stenosis (AS) is prevalent in 2–7% of the population over 65 years of age.1 Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) coexists in 27–43% of patients with AS.2 Management of CAD in patients with AS poses special problems since...
Aortic stenosis (AS) is...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Clopidogrel is an oral antiplatelet agent which selectively and irreversibly inhibits the platelet adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) receptor. Antiplatelet effect is synergistic when administered with aspirin. Dual antiplatelet therapy with...
Clopidogrel is an oral antiplatelet agent which selectively and irreversibly inhibits the platelet adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) receptor. Antiplatelet effect is synergistic when administered with aspirin. Dual antiplatelet therapy with...
Clopidogrel is an oral...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Case Report
Vascular brachytherapy (VBT) has evolved as a viable method to treat in-stent restenosis (ISR), which is due to neointimal hyperplasia distributed either focally or diffusely over the entire length of the stent.1 Radiation acts by inhibiting...
Vascular brachytherapy (VBT) has evolved as a viable method to treat in-stent restenosis (ISR), which is due to neointimal hyperplasia distributed either focally or diffusely over the entire length of the stent.1 Radiation acts by inhibiting...
Vascular brachytherapy (VBT) has...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology