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Rebecca T. Hahn, MD

"A heart team approach is mandatory, because these patients are very complicated and the leads may or may not be contributing to the tricuspid regurgitation," says Laurence Epstein, MD. Read more from Dr. Epstein and Rebecca Hahn, MD.
"A heart team approach is mandatory, because these patients are very complicated and the leads may or may not be contributing to the tricuspid regurgitation," says Laurence Epstein, MD. Read more from Dr. Epstein and Rebecca Hahn, MD.
"A heart team approach is...
Cath Lab Digest
Urologic Complications in Patients Receiving Indwelling Urinary Catheters During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
The minimalist approach to transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) focuses on avoiding extraneous invasive measures. Data describing the clinical impact of routine indwelling urinary catheter in TAVR patients are limited. We sought to...
The minimalist approach to transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) focuses on avoiding extraneous invasive measures. Data describing the clinical impact of routine indwelling urinary catheter in TAVR patients are limited. We sought to...
The minimalist approach to...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology