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Raghu Kolluri, MS, MD, RVT, FSVM

Best Practices for Anticoagulation Management After Venous Interventions
Vascular Disease Management spoke with Raghu Kolluri, MD, MS, RVT, FSVM, President for the Society for Vascular Medicine and System Medical Director, Vascular Medicine at OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital. Dr. Kolluri discussed...
Vascular Disease Management spoke with Raghu Kolluri, MD, MS, RVT, FSVM, President for the Society for Vascular Medicine and System Medical Director, Vascular Medicine at OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital. Dr. Kolluri discussed...
Vascular Disease Management...
Vascular Disease Management
Renal artery stenosis is the most common secondary cause of hypertension. It affects 5% of the 50 million people with HTN in the United States. Renovascular disease leads to malignant HTN in 10–45% of patients.
Renal artery stenosis is the most common secondary cause of hypertension. It affects 5% of the 50 million people with HTN in the United States. Renovascular disease leads to malignant HTN in 10–45% of patients.
Renal artery stenosis is the...
Vascular Disease Management
Conference Coverage
Treatment of venous ulcers is an important, yet often overlooked, part of comprehensive vascular care. In this Q&A, Raghu Kolluri, MD, updates clinicians on the patient burden, the challenges of working in a fragmented care structure, and on...
Treatment of venous ulcers is an important, yet often overlooked, part of comprehensive vascular care. In this Q&A, Raghu Kolluri, MD, updates clinicians on the patient burden, the challenges of working in a fragmented care structure, and on...
Treatment of venous ulcers is an...
Vascular Disease Management