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Michael Williams, PhD

Storytelling is a mechanism by which the elderly re-experience notable events of their past. Physicians who treat the elderly should encourage these reminiscences, as they often provide some sense of well-being to the storyteller. When the...
Storytelling is a mechanism by which the elderly re-experience notable events of their past. Physicians who treat the elderly should encourage these reminiscences, as they often provide some sense of well-being to the storyteller. When the...
Storytelling is a mechanism by...
Annals of Long-Term Care
Background: Narcolepsy diagnosis can be challenging. Presence of comorbidities and overlapping symptoms between narcolepsy and other conditions may contribute to diagnostic delay and misd...
A team of doctors who flew to Puerto Rico to assist with patient care witnessed bleak conditions, like one hospital measuring 95 degrees inside and countless suffering patients in rural areas lacking medical attention.
A team of doctors who flew to Puerto Rico to assist with patient care witnessed bleak conditions, like one hospital measuring 95 degrees inside and countless suffering patients in rural areas lacking medical attention.
A team of doctors who flew to...