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Norah E. Liang, MD

Development of the Minimalist Approach for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center
While a minimalist TAVR approach has shown safety and efficacy at civilian hospitals, limited data exist regarding developing this approach at Veterans Affairs medical centers. We implemented TAVR with minimalist approach at a...
While a minimalist TAVR approach has shown safety and efficacy at civilian hospitals, limited data exist regarding developing this approach at Veterans Affairs medical centers. We implemented TAVR with minimalist approach at a...
While a minimalist TAVR approach...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology
The study aim was to evaluate our experience with minimally invasive techniques at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center, since outcomes from lower-volume federal facilities are relatively unknown.
The study aim was to evaluate our experience with minimally invasive techniques at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center, since outcomes from lower-volume federal facilities are relatively unknown.
The study aim was to evaluate...
Journal of Invasive Cardiology