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J. Rod Gimbel, MD

Cover Story
With the recent passing of Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra, we were reminded of his many important everyday insights, such as “When you come to the fork in the road, take it,” as well as the importance of avoiding “too many wrong mistakes.”1...
With the recent passing of Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra, we were reminded of his many important everyday insights, such as “When you come to the fork in the road, take it,” as well as the importance of avoiding “too many wrong mistakes.”1...
With the recent passing of...
EP Lab Digest
Despite the known risks and valid concerns of scanning these patients, MRI is appropriate when the risk-benefit ratio is favorable, and only after informed consent is granted by the patient, cardiovascular consultation is obtained to assist...
Despite the known risks and valid concerns of scanning these patients, MRI is appropriate when the risk-benefit ratio is favorable, and only after informed consent is granted by the patient, cardiovascular consultation is obtained to assist...
Despite the known risks and...
EP Lab Digest