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Mark H. Hofbauer, DPM, FACFAS

Although complications sometimes arise following bunionectomies, one can take steps to reduce potential risk and attain a satisfactory outcome for the patient. These authors address patient-dependent risk factors, ranging from obesity to...
Although complications sometimes arise following bunionectomies, one can take steps to reduce potential risk and attain a satisfactory outcome for the patient. These authors address patient-dependent risk factors, ranging from obesity to...
Although complications...
Podiatry Today
Yes. After conservative options for plantar fasciitis fail, Mark Hofbauer, DPM, FACFAS, and Alexander Pappas, DPM, argue that release of the plantar fascia can be beneficial for those with chronic pain, citing good success rates in the...
Yes. After conservative options for plantar fasciitis fail, Mark Hofbauer, DPM, FACFAS, and Alexander Pappas, DPM, argue that release of the plantar fascia can be beneficial for those with chronic pain, citing good success rates in the...
Yes. After conservative options...
Podiatry Today
Yes, Mark Hofbauer, DPM, cites the limited indications of the procedure. He says the first MPJ fusion is a better option for hallux abductovalgus patients as it provides enhanced stability and biomechanical effects. For the past 10 to 15...
Yes, Mark Hofbauer, DPM, cites the limited indications of the procedure. He says the first MPJ fusion is a better option for hallux abductovalgus patients as it provides enhanced stability and biomechanical effects. For the past 10 to 15...
Yes, Mark Hofbauer, DPM, cites...
Podiatry Today
Yes, if the procedure is done correctly, it is a valuable adjunct to bunion correction, says John McCord, DPM. Who will ever forget the memorable autistic man played by Dustin Hoffman in the film Rain Man? My favorite scene was when he...
Yes, if the procedure is done correctly, it is a valuable adjunct to bunion correction, says John McCord, DPM. Who will ever forget the memorable autistic man played by Dustin Hoffman in the film Rain Man? My favorite scene was when he...
Yes, if the procedure is done...
Podiatry Today
Yes. Offering insights from the literature and their experience, these authors cite several advantages of the medial double arthrodesis, including better visualization leading to easier reduction of the deformity and reduced complication...
Yes. Offering insights from the literature and their experience, these authors cite several advantages of the medial double arthrodesis, including better visualization leading to easier reduction of the deformity and reduced complication...
Yes. Offering insights from the...
Podiatry Today